On Sat, Sep 07, 2013 at 01:24:59PM -0400, Tony Peña wrote:
> I got tapelibrary and a space disk to backup my files
> and I have a mix way to save the data, because have this:
> Today need do a full backup
> TapeLibrary -> Full
> StorageDisk -> Incremental
> Next Day:
> TapeLibrary -> Incremental
> StorageDisk -> Incremental

I support Rudolph here and suggest you check Migration and copy jobs.
I make sure to have enough disk space and don't use Migration Jobs but
Copy Jobs. That way I have the files on disk and don't need to go and
change tapes for restore purpose of recently lost data. It is something
like this:
Job Retention: 13 months
Tape Pool Storage Retention: 13 months
Disk Pool Storage Retention 40 days

After the daily backup, all jobs are copied to Tape Pool.
If the client systems are very busy or behind slow links I use Virtual
Full instead of Full backups, this is why I have 40 days retention as I
usually do montly full backups, weekly differential and daily
incremential. With 40 days I am quite sure I have all data needed for a
virtual full available on disk.
If you try alternating targets for jobs with the same client name, you
will run in trouble while restoring. E.g. incrementals base on the most
recent backup, no matter where it went, tape or disk. In other words, if
you loose either disk or tape or have different retention times, you
will not be able to restore your data. Use migration/copy instead to
distribute media.

For the practical approach: you can only do copy/migration/virtualfull
from one pool to another, the one in the 'NextPool' statement. However,
if you need to target the same pool, you can exploit the above issue of
the most recent backup used as base by creating a fake pool that has
your disks pool as NextPool. If you are able to make sure you have
enough storage devices to read and write to the same pool, you will be
fine. I use vchanger for this.

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