> 1. How long does the backup?

The last full run took 1 day 1 hour 33 mins 25 secs, incrementals and
differentials take around 4 to 6 hours.

> 2. Do you use compression?

Yes, but not Bacula's. The backups go to a ZFS pool and LTO tapes, which
do their own compression.

> 3. Do you use incremental backups?

Yes, as well as differentials. My cycle is monthly, with a full run on
the first weekend of each month, differentials on the remaining weekends
and incrementals on all other days.

Christian Manal

> Am 04.11.2013 11:22, schrieb Christian Manal:
>> On 04.11.2013 10:45, Willi Fehler wrote:
>>> Hi Bacula-Users,
>>> we want to backup our central nas-server.
>>> disk-usage: 885G
>>> ca. 10 millionen small files
>>> In the past the old it-colleges tried to use Bacula but the backup
>>> crashes. Anybody have expirience with many small files and Bacula or
>>> know a good alternative? I think if we try it again, we have to disable
>>> compression.
>>> The central nas server is a DRBD-Cluster(Primary/Secondary) on Debian
>>> Squeezy with lvm/ext3 running on a Dell PowerEdge R710.
>>> For any feedback, I thank you in advance.
>>> Regards - Willi
>> Hi Willi,
>> I have a file set with roughly 12 million files with a size of just over
>> 1 TB. The only problem I had with that job (in terms of number of files)
>> was when I tried to enable accurate backups for it, which crashed
>> something (director/database/file daemon), because it needed a boatload
>> of RAM that I didn't have.
>> Regards,
>> Christian Manal
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