On 11/04/2013 04:17 PM, Phil Stracchino wrote:
...  In at least one of the
> cases I know about, though, the problem was not a failure of DRBD per
> se, it was that someone accidentally started up mysqld on the second
> node, which normally would not be allowed to happen because the second
> instance accessing the same filesystem would not be allowed to lock the
> InnoDB tablespace.  In the DRBD situation, though, there was nothing
> whatsoever locking the tablespace on the local machine, so it quite
> cheerfully allowed both mysqlds to write to their own local instances of
> the tablespace on the replicated filesystem, whereupon the two mysqlds
> proceeded to destroy the tablespace by making it internally inconsistent.

Ah, the "active-active" setup. I agree: avoid like plague.

The simple stupid (and bulletproof) setup is an active/passive cluster
with drbd, mysql, and floating ip. Unfortunately if it fails over your
bacula-dir is going to lost its connection to the db and kill the
running backup -- see my post from 2 days ago.

Dimitri Maziuk
BioMagResBank, UW-Madison -- http://www.bmrb.wisc.edu

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