On the surface this is obvious, but I don't see why this should suddenly
be happening. I haven't modified the configurations for either
bacula-dir or mysql in some time, yet suddenly now the director can't
access the database. Even weirder, this is only happening for Copy jobs,
normal backups work fine. Manually accessing the database from the
bacula account command line also works fine.

Anybody ever seen anything like this or have any tips for debugging


Nov 21 11:05:33 confusion bacula-dir[14226]: 21-Nov 11:05  Message
delivery ERROR: Msg delivery error: Unable to store data in database.
Nov 21 11:05:33 confusion bacula-dir[14226]: 21-Nov 11:05  Message
delivery ERROR: Msg delivery error: Unable to store data in database.
Nov 21 11:05:33 confusion bacula-dir: 21-Nov 11:05  Message delivery
ERROR: Msg delivery error: Unable to store data in database.
Nov 21 11:05:33 confusion bacula-dir: 21-Nov 11:05  Message delivery
ERROR: Msg delivery error: Unable to store data in database.
Nov 21 11:05:33 confusion bacula-dir[14226]: 21-Nov 11:05 bdir: ABORTING
due to ERROR in mem_pool.c:167
Nov 21 11:05:33 confusion bacula-dir[14226]: obuf is NULL
Nov 21 11:05:33 confusion bacula-dir[14226]: bacula-dir: message.c:1270:
void e_msg(const char*, int, int, int, const char*, ...): Assertion `p!
=__null' failed.
Nov 21 11:05:33 confusion bacula-dir[14226]: Bacula interrupted by
signal 6: IOT trap
Nov 21 11:05:33 confusion bacula-dir[14226]: Kaboom! bacula-dir, bdir
got signal 6 - IOT trap. Attempting traceback.
Nov 21 11:05:33 confusion bacula-dir[14226]: Kaboom! exepath=/usr/sbin/
Nov 21 11:05:33 confusion bacula-dir: bdir: ABORTING due to ERROR in
Nov 21 11:05:33 confusion bacula-dir: Bacula interrupted by signal 6:
IOT trap
Nov 21 11:05:33 confusion bacula-dir[14226]:
Calling: /usr/sbin/btraceback /usr/sbin/bacula-dir
14226 /var/spool/bacula
Nov 21 11:05:33 confusion bacula-dir[14226]: It looks like the traceback

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