On 1/19/2014 10:55 PM, Joe Rhodes wrote:
For those that are backing up OS X clients, you may have noticed that 10.8 Mountain Lion and later is much more militant about having machines sleep.  Even if you issue a WOL packet to start a backup, they still fall back asleep pretty quickly unless there’s someone actually using the mouse and keyboard.  It doesn’t really matter what you have the sleep timer set to.

Apple’s strategy seems to be that programs that need to run must issue a “power assertion” to the system, indicating that the system must stay awake for them complete their task.  Fortunately, it’s easy enough to issue one of these manually using the command line.

In my job definition (in the Bacula director configuration)  I’ve added this line to my Mac clients:

Client Run Before Job = "/usr/bin/screen -d -m /usr/bin/caffeinate -i -t 3600; sleep 0;”

The first part, using the “screen” command, puts the command in the background.  The “caffeinate” command is new for 10.8 and later, and will keep the system awake for 3600 seconds.  (Edit to suit your needs.)

Thanks. That should be very useful to me.

If you’re backing up 10.7 or earlier systems, they won’t have the caffeinate command, so trying to issue it will fail and thus your backup would fail.  That’s why there’s the “sleep 0” part at the end.  It ensures you’ll always exit this command with a success (0). 

I take there simply is no way to prevent sleep on 10.7 and earlier?

Hopefully this will help someone else that gets stuck when a Mac backup starts but then fails, usually taking about 2 hours before the director will give up and move on.  

Windows 7 seems to have a similar issue.  I was able to solve that by editing a registry value as below:




Another registry change is needed on Windows 7 to enable WoWLAN (ie. GTK Rekey and EAP power management).

Reboot to apply registry change, then open the wireless NIC's properties  in Device Manager and on the Power Management tab check "Allow this device to wake up computer". If the checkbox is greyed out then the NIC and/or the driver do not support WoWLAN.

You wouldn't happen to know how to enable WoWLAN on a Mac would you?

-Joe Rhodes

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