On 11.08.2014 12:31, Markus "Shorty" Uckelmann wrote:
> I wanted to add a new client and after a reload (echo "reload" | 
> /usr/sbin/bconsole) the following error popped up:
> 11-Aug 10:47 bacula-dir: ERROR in parse_conf.c:938 Config error: 
> Expected a Resource name identifier, got: find: : line 1, col 5 of
> file |find /etc/bacula/conf.d/clients -name '*.conf' -type f -exec
> echo @{} ; find: Failed to change directory: Permission denied
> 11-Aug 10:47 bacula-sto1-dir JobId 0: Error: Please correct 
> configuration file: /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf 11-Aug 10:47
> bacula-sto1-dir JobId 0: Error: Resetting previous configuration.

I forgot to post the line of the configuration file:

# client definitions
@|"find /etc/bacula/conf.d/clients -name '*.conf' -type f -exec echo
@{} \;"

I haven't put it there. That was before my time. But I guess my
predecessor stumble over it here

There it says:

 Since Bacula 2.2.0 you can include the output of a command within a
configuration file with the ”@|” syntax. Here's how you can use ”@|”
to include all files within some directory without explicitly naming
the files (this lets you, say, add new clients to a configuration
without changing existing configuration files, just by adding a file
for the new client, containing its Job, Client, and FileSet resources,
to the included directory):

# Include subfiles associated with configuration of clients.
# They define the bulk of the Clients, Jobs, and FileSets.
# Remember to "reload" the Director after adding a client file.
@|"find /etc/bacula/clientdefs -name '*.conf' -type f -exec echo @{} \;"

Thx, Shorty

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