Hi Floarian,

2014-09-15 10:38 GMT+02:00 Florian <florian.spl...@web.de>:

> Hello, everyone.
> I am doing final tests with my bacula setup and ran into some weird
> behavior.
> I set up an autochanger storage and am currently using the same device
> for backup and restore.
> I did a backup of the entire partition E:/ and browsed the files.
> Everything was there.
> Then I tried to restore the files to  test-folder (avoiding overwrite).
> Bacula created the new Folder E:/Restore/ and the BAT told me the
> restore was compelted successfully after about 10 minutes.
> I opened the folder and it was empty though. Strangely enough, the
> emount of disk space in use on the harddrive increased.
> So far I don't have the slightest idea, what the problem may be... When
> I first tested bacula on a virtual machine, only backing up 2 small
> files, it worked perfectly fine.
> Regards,
> Florian S.
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When restoring an entire drive under windows, the created top folder will
be hidden and marked as system file - so you need to enable "Show hidden
files and folders" and deactive "Hide system files" in your explorer.

Kind regards

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