On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 5:58 AM, Alexei Babich <imp...@tiny-vps.com> wrote:
> Hello.
> I try to use Bacula 5.2.6 on Debian Linux.
> I have one storage (hard disk), one pool, job limit (on storage) = 10
> and 20 clients. Volumes created automatically, and each job uses 1 volume.
> Schedule starts all 20 jobs for all 20 clients simultaneously. But only
> one really run: some jobs in "waiting on Storage" status, some in
> "waiting on max Storage jobs".
> I want to configure bacula as follows: schedule starts all 20 jobs, but
> not more, than 10 simultaneously (storage job limit) can be in running
> state. And if one job finish work, then next job goes in runnig state.
> I hope I'm clearly outlined the basic idea - I do not quite understand
> the English language :)
> So, can I configure bacula so that it did what I needed?

Remember bacula storage devices operate like a tape meaning only 1
volume can be loaded at a time in a storage device. If you need more
volumes loaded you must add more storage devices and adjust your jobs
to go to the different storages.


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