Sure, here is my bacula-sd.conf and bacula-dir.conf.  passwords and addresses 
edited for security reasons.

# Default Bacula Storage Daemon Configuration file


#  For Bacula release 3.0.1 (30 April 2009) -- debian 5.0.1


# You may need to change the name of your tape drive

#   on the "Archive Device" directive in the Device

#   resource.  If you change the Name and/or the

#   "Media Type" in the Device resource, please ensure

#   that dird.conf has corresponding changes.


Storage {                             # definition of myself

  Name = backup02-sd

  SDPort = 9103                  # Director's port

  WorkingDirectory = "/etc/bacula/working"

  Pid Directory = "/var/run/bacula"

  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20


# List Directors who are permitted to contact Storage daemon


Director {

  Name = backup02-dir

  Password = “PASSWORD"


## Restricted Director, used by tray-monitor to get the

#   status of the storage daemon


Director {

  Name = backup02-mon

  Password = “PASSWORD"

  Monitor = yes


Autochanger {

  Name = Autochanger

  Device = Drive-1, Drive-2, Drive-3, Drive-4, Drive-5, Drive-6, Drive-7, 
Drive-8, Drive-9, Drive-10

  Changer Command = "/etc/bacula/scripts/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"

  Changer Device = /dev/sg12


Device {

  Name = Drive-1

  Drive Index = 0

  Media Type = LTO

  Archive Device = 

  AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it

  AlwaysOpen = yes;

  RemovableMedia = yes;

  RandomAccess = no;

  LabelMedia = no;

  AutoChanger = yes

  # Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded

  Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'"

  SpoolDirectory = /etc/bacula/spool

  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20

  Maximum Changer Wait = 10 minutes


Device {

  Name = Drive-2

  Drive Index = 1

  Media Type = LTO

  Archive Device = 

  AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it

  AlwaysOpen = yes;

  RemovableMedia = yes;

  RandomAccess = no;

  LabelMedia = no;

  AutoChanger = yes

  # Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded

  Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'"

  SpoolDirectory = /etc/bacula/spool

  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20

  Maximum Changer Wait = 10 minutes


Device {

  Name = Drive-3

  Drive Index = 2

  Media Type = LTO

  Archive Device = 

  AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it

  AlwaysOpen = yes;

  RemovableMedia = yes;

  RandomAccess = no;

  LabelMedia = no;

  AutoChanger = yes

  # Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded

  Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'"

  SpoolDirectory = /etc/bacula/spool

  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20

  Maximum Changer Wait = 10 minutes


Device {

  Name = Drive-4

  Drive Index = 3

  Media Type = LTO

  Archive Device = 

  AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it

  AlwaysOpen = yes;

  RemovableMedia = yes;

  RandomAccess = no;

  LabelMedia = no;

  AutoChanger = yes

  # Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded

  Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'"

  SpoolDirectory = /etc/bacula/spool

  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20

  Maximum Changer Wait = 10 minutes


Device {

  Name = Drive-5

  Drive Index = 4

  Media Type = LTO

  Archive Device = 

  AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it

  AlwaysOpen = yes;

  RemovableMedia = yes;

  RandomAccess = no;

  LabelMedia = no;

  AutoChanger = yes

  # Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded

  Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'"

  SpoolDirectory = /etc/bacula/spool

  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20

  Maximum Changer Wait = 10 minutes


Device {

  Name = Drive-6

  Drive Index = 5

  Media Type = LTO

  Archive Device = 

  AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it

  AlwaysOpen = yes;

  RemovableMedia = yes;

  RandomAccess = no;

  LabelMedia = no;

  AutoChanger = yes

  # Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded

  Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'"

  SpoolDirectory = /etc/bacula/spool

  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20

  Maximum Changer Wait = 10 minutes


Device {

  Name = Drive-7

  Drive Index = 6

  Media Type = LTO

  Archive Device = 

  AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it

  AlwaysOpen = yes;

  RemovableMedia = yes;

  RandomAccess = no;

  LabelMedia = no;

  AutoChanger = yes

  # Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded

  Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'"

  SpoolDirectory = /etc/bacula/spool

  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20

  Maximum Changer Wait = 10 minutes


Device {

  Name = Drive-8

  Drive Index = 7

  Media Type = LTO

  Archive Device = 

  AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it

  AlwaysOpen = yes;

  RemovableMedia = yes;

  RandomAccess = no;

  LabelMedia = no;

  AutoChanger = yes

  # Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded

  Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'"

  SpoolDirectory = /etc/bacula/spool

  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20

  Maximum Changer Wait = 10 minutes


Device {

  Name = Drive-9

  Drive Index = 8

  Media Type = LTO

  Archive Device = 

  AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it

  AlwaysOpen = yes;

  RemovableMedia = yes;

  RandomAccess = no;

  LabelMedia = no;

  AutoChanger = yes

  # Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded

  Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'"

  SpoolDirectory = /etc/bacula/spool

  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20

  Maximum Changer Wait = 10 minutes


Device {

  Name = Drive-10

  Drive Index = 9

  Media Type = LTO

  Archive Device = 

  AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it

  AlwaysOpen = yes;

  RemovableMedia = yes;

  RandomAccess = no;

  LabelMedia = no;

  AutoChanger = yes

  # Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded

  Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'"

  SpoolDirectory = /etc/bacula/spool

  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20

  Maximum Changer Wait = 10 minutes


# Send all messages except skipped files back to Director

Messages {

  Name = Standard

  director = backup02-dir = all, !skipped, !restored


########### END BACULA-SD.CONF ############

########### BEGIN BACULA-DIR.CONF ##########

Default Bacula Director Configuration file


#  The only thing that MUST be changed is to add one or more

#   file or directory names in the Include directive of the

#   FileSet resource.


#  For Bacula release 3.0.1 (30 April 2009) -- debian 5.0.1


#  You might also want to change the default email address

#   from root to your address.  See the "mail" and "operator"

#   directives in the Messages resource.



### Source other config files





### Basic director configuration


Director {                            # define myself

  Name = backup02-dir

  DIRport = 9101                # where we listen for UA connections

  QueryFile = "/etc/bacula/query.sql"

  WorkingDirectory = "/etc/bacula/working"

  PidDirectory = "/var/run/bacula"

  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20

  Password = “PASSWORD"         # Console password

  Messages = Daemon

  DIRAddress = localhost



### Storage


# Storage device for tape

Storage {

  Name = Tape1

  Address = backup              # N.B. Use a fully qualified name here, not 

  SDPort = 9103

  Password = “PASSWORD"  # password for SD

  Device = Drive-1

  Media Type = LTO

  Autochanger = yes                   # enable for autochanger device

  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20


Storage {

  Name = Tape2

  Address = backup               # N.B. Use a fully qualified name here, not 

  SDPort = 9103

  Password = “PASSWORD"  # password for SD

  Device = Drive-2                      # must be same Device in sd

  Media Type = LTO

  Autochanger = yes                   # enable for autochanger device

  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20


Storage {

  Name = Tape3

  Address = backup               # N.B. Use a fully qualified name here, not 

  SDPort = 9103

  Password = “PASSWORD"  # password for SD

  Device = Drive-3

  Media Type = LTO

  Autochanger = yes                   # enable for autochanger device

  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20


Storage {

  Name = Tape4

  Address = backup               # N.B. Use a fully qualified name here, not 

  SDPort = 9103

  Password = “PASSWORD"  # password for SD

  Device = Drive-4

  Media Type = LTO

  Autochanger = yes                   # enable for autochanger device

  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20


Storage {

  Name = Tape5

  Address = backup               # N.B. Use a fully qualified name here, not 

  SDPort = 9103

  Password = “PASSWORD"  # password for SD

  Device = Drive-5

  Media Type = LTO

  Autochanger = yes                   # enable for autochanger device

  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20


Storage {

  Name = Tape6

  Address = backup               # N.B. Use a fully qualified name here, not 

  SDPort = 9103

  Password = “PASSWORD"  # password for SD

  Device = Drive-6

  Media Type = LTO

  Autochanger = yes                   # enable for autochanger device

  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20


Storage {

  Name = Tape7

  Address = backup               # N.B. Use a fully qualified name here, not 

  SDPort = 9103

  Password = “PASSWORD"  # password for SD

  Device = Drive-7

  Media Type = LTO

  Autochanger = yes                   # enable for autochanger device

  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20


Storage {

  Name = Tape8

  Address = backup               # N.B. Use a fully qualified name here, not 

  SDPort = 9103

  Password = “PASSWORD"  # password for SD

  Device = Drive-8

  Media Type = LTO

  Autochanger = yes                   # enable for autochanger device

  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20


Storage {

  Name = Tape9

  Address = backup               # N.B. Use a fully qualified name here, not 

  SDPort = 9103

  Password = “PASSWORD"  # password for SD

  Device = Drive-9

  Media Type = LTO

  Autochanger = yes                   # enable for autochanger device

  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20


Storage {

  Name = Tape10

  Address = backup              # N.B. Use a fully qualified name here, not 

  SDPort = 9103

  Password = “PASSWORD"  # password for SD

  Device = Drive-10

  Media Type = LTO

  Autochanger = yes                   # enable for autochanger device

  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20


#Storage {



### Storage pools


# Default storage pool

Pool {

  Name = Default

  Pool Type = Backup

  Storage = Tape7, Tape8, Tape9, Tape10

  Recycle = no                       # Bacula can automatically recycle Volumes

  AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired volumes

  Volume Retention = 365 days         # one year

  Maximum Volume Bytes = 2500G



# social service storage pool

Pool {

  Name = svc

  Pool Type = Backup

  Storage = Tape1, Tape2

  Recycle = no                       # Bacula can automatically recycle Volumes

  AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired volumes

  Volume Retention = 365 days         # one year

  Maximum Volume Bytes = 2500G


# database service storage pool

Pool {

  Name = database

  Pool Type = Backup

  Storage = Tape3, Tape4, Tape5, Tape6

  Recycle = no                       # Bacula can automatically recycle Volumes

  AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired volumes

  Volume Retention = 365 days         # one year

  Maximum Volume Bytes = 2500G



### Backup catalog


# Generic catalog service

Catalog {

  Name = MyCatalog

# Uncomment the following line if you want the dbi driver

# dbdriver = "dbi:mysql"; dbaddress =; dbport =

  dbname = "bacula"; dbuser = “USER"; dbpassword = “HAHAHA"



### Logging


# Reasonable message delivery -- send most everything to email address

#  and to the console

Messages {

  Name = Standard


# NOTE! If you send to two email or more email addresses, you will need

#  to replace the %r in the from field (-f part) with a single valid

#  email address in both the mailcommand and the operatorcommand.

#  What this does is, it sets the email address that emails would display

#  in the FROM field, which is by default the same email as they're being

#  sent to.  However, if you send email to more than one address, then

#  you'll have to set the FROM address manually, to a single address.

#  for example, a '', is better since that tends to

#  tell (most) people that its coming from an automated source.


  mailcommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"\(Bacula\) \<%r\>\" -s 
\"Bacula: %t %e of %c %l\" %r"

  operatorcommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"\(Bacula\) \<%r\>\" -s 
\"Bacula: Intervention needed for %j\" %r"

  mail on error = EMAILADDRESS = all, !skipped

  operator = EMAILADDRESS= mount

  console = all, !skipped, !saved


# WARNING! the following will create a file that you must cycle from

#          time to time as it will grow indefinitely. However, it will

#          also keep all your messages if they scroll off the console.


  append = "/etc/bacula/working/log" = all, !skipped

  catalog = all, !skipped, !saved



# Message delivery for daemon messages (no job).

Messages {

  Name = Daemon

  mailcommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"\(Bacula\) \<%r\>\" -s 
\"Bacula daemon message\" %r"

  mail = root@localhost = all, !skipped

  console = all, !skipped, !saved

  append = "/etc/bacula/working/log" = all, !skipped



### Console


# Restricted console used by tray-monitor to get the status of the director

Console {

  Name = backup02-mon

  Password = “PASSWORD"

  CommandACL = status, .status


From: "Ana Emília M. Arruda" 
Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 at 11:27 AM
To: "Kelley, Jared" <<>>
Cc: "<>" 
<<>>, Josh Fisher 
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] bacula can't make use of multi drives

Hi Jared,

Can you post here your storage configurations?

Best regards,

On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 3:56 PM, Kelley, Jared 
<<>> wrote:
For the sake of sharing information I am going to reply to this thread since I 
am working on the same type of setup and experiencing similar issues.

I removed the setting ‘prefer mounted volumes = no' and separated my jobs into 
3 different pools.  All my jobs are running smoothly now, no failures.  The 
prefer mounted volumes was the issue.
Now I am experiencing interleaving on a single volume/tape drive with multiple 
jobs scheduled at the same time, in the same pool, as opposed to bacula using 
different volumes and different drives for jobs scheduled at the same time for 
the same pool.

Here is my issue:

I have 10 jobs that kick off  at the same time every day.  Each job takes 
anywhere from 10 minutes to 2 hours.  The pool behind these jobs has 4 tape 
drives and 4 volumes(virtual tapes) assigned to it.  The 10 jobs all kick off 
at the same time and they all write to the same volume, apparently(assuming) 
interleaving the data.   See my paste below, Ive bolded start times, end times, 
pools and tapes.  One can see these jobs all completed near each other and ran 
for over an hour.  All to the same tape/volume, tape3 and volume AAAACF5F6A .   
I assume if I had the "prefer mounted volume=no" for these jobs they would use 
all 4 drives in the pool and write to separate volumes as opposed to 
interleaving to a single drive and volume.  But based on the manual, reported 
problems and experienced problems with ‘prefer mounted volumes = no’ I hesitate 
to use that.

My question:
Is there another way to get multiple jobs scheduled at the same time to run 
concurrently using different drives and volumes, as assigned to the pool, 
versus all writing at the same time and interleaving the data to a single drive 
and volume even though the pool has 4 drives/volumes assigned to it?    Or is 
prefer mounted volumes = no the only way to solve this?

any help is greatly appreciated

19-Nov 10:06 backup02-sd JobId 925: Job write elapsed time = 01:01:23, Transfer 
rate = 1.489 M Bytes/second

19-Nov 10:06 backup02-dir JobId 925: Bacula backup02-dir 5.2.6 (21Feb12):

  Build OS:               x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ubuntu 14.04

  JobId:                  925

  Job:                    labsdb1.2014-11-19_09.05.00_21

  Backup Level:           Full (upgraded from Differential)

  Client:                 "labsdb1" 2.4.4 (28Dec08) 

  FileSet:                "Database Backup" 2014-11-07 22:02:50

  Pool:                   "database" (From Job resource)

  Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)

  Storage:                "Tape3" (From Pool resource)

  Scheduled time:         19-Nov-2014 09:05:00

  Start time:             19-Nov-2014 09:05:02

  End time:               19-Nov-2014 10:06:26

  Elapsed time:           1 hour 1 min 24 secs

  Priority:               10

  FD Files Written:       2

  SD Files Written:       2

  FD Bytes Written:       5,486,802,781 (5.486 GB)

  SD Bytes Written:       5,486,802,988 (5.486 GB)

  Rate:                   1489.4 KB/s

  Software Compression:   None

  VSS:                    no

  Encryption:             no

  Accurate:               no

  Volume name(s):         AAAACF5F6A

  Volume Session Id:      155

  Volume Session Time:    1415816791

  Last Volume Bytes:      1,348,311,508,992 (1.348 TB)

  Non-fatal FD errors:    0

  SD Errors:              0

  FD termination status:  OK

  SD termination status:  OK

  Termination:            Backup OK

19-Nov 10:06 backup02-dir JobId 925: Begin pruning Jobs older than 1 year .

19-Nov 10:06 backup02-dir JobId 925: No Jobs found to prune.

19-Nov 10:06 backup02-dir JobId 925: Begin pruning Files.

19-Nov 10:06 backup02-dir JobId 925: No Files found to prune.

19-Nov 10:06 backup02-dir JobId 925: End auto prune.

19-Nov 10:41 backup02-sd JobId 919: Job write elapsed time = 01:36:26, Transfer 
rate = 2.570 M Bytes/second

19-Nov 10:41 backup02-dir JobId 919: Bacula backup02-dir 5.2.6 (21Feb12):

  Build OS:               x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ubuntu 14.04

  JobId:                  919

  Job:                    shopd1.2014-11-19_09.05.00_15

  Backup Level:           Full (upgraded from Differential)

  Client:                 "shopdb1" 5.0.2 (28Apr10) 

  FileSet:                "varlibDatabase Backup" 2014-11-06 20:20:52

  Pool:                   "database" (From Job resource)

  Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)

  Storage:                "Tape3" (From Pool resource)

  Scheduled time:         19-Nov-2014 09:05:00

  Start time:             19-Nov-2014 09:05:00

  End time:               19-Nov-2014 10:41:26

  Elapsed time:           1 hour 36 mins 26 secs

  Priority:               10

  FD Files Written:       3

  SD Files Written:       3

  FD Bytes Written:       14,875,191,024 (14.87 GB)

  SD Bytes Written:       14,875,192,011 (14.87 GB)

  Rate:                   2570.9 KB/s

  Software Compression:   None

  VSS:                    no

  Encryption:             yes

  Accurate:               no

  Volume name(s):         AAAACF5F6A

  Volume Session Id:      149

  Volume Session Time:    1415816791

  Last Volume Bytes:      1,375,507,574,784 (1.375 TB)

  Non-fatal FD errors:    0

  SD Errors:              0

  FD termination status:  OK

  SD termination status:  OK

  Termination:            Backup OK

19-Nov 10:41 backup02-dir JobId 919: Begin pruning Jobs older than 7 years .

19-Nov 10:41 backup02-dir JobId 919: No Jobs found to prune.

19-Nov 10:41 backup02-dir JobId 919: Begin pruning Files.

19-Nov 10:41 backup02-dir JobId 919: No Files found to prune.

19-Nov 10:41 backup02-dir JobId 919: End auto prune.

19-Nov 11:10 backup02-sd JobId 917: Job write elapsed time = 02:05:32, Transfer 
rate = 3.894 M Bytes/second

19-Nov 11:10 backup02-dir JobId 917: Bacula backup02-dir 5.2.6 (21Feb12):

  Build OS:               x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ubuntu 14.04

  JobId:                  917

  Job:                    pushdb.2014-11-19_09.05.00_13

  Backup Level:           Full (upgraded from Differential)

  Client:                 "pushdb1" 5.0.2 (28Apr10) 

  FileSet:                "varlibDatabase Backup" 2014-11-06 20:20:52

  Pool:                   "database" (From Job resource)

  Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)

  Storage:                "Tape3" (From Pool resource)

  Scheduled time:         19-Nov-2014 09:05:00

  Start time:             19-Nov-2014 09:05:00

  End time:               19-Nov-2014 11:10:33

  Elapsed time:           2 hours 5 mins 33 secs

  Priority:               10

  FD Files Written:       2

  SD Files Written:       2

  FD Bytes Written:       29,334,385,684 (29.33 GB)

  SD Bytes Written:       29,334,385,894 (29.33 GB)

  Rate:                   3894.1 KB/s

  Software Compression:   None

  VSS:                    no

  Encryption:             no

  Accurate:               no

  Volume name(s):         AAAACF5F6A

  Volume Session Id:      147

  Volume Session Time:    1415816791

  Last Volume Bytes:      1,397,835,371,520 (1.397 TB)

  Non-fatal FD errors:    1

  SD Errors:              0

  FD termination status:  OK

  SD termination status:  OK

  Termination:            Backup OK

19-Nov 11:10 backup02-dir JobId 917: Begin pruning Jobs older than 1 year .

19-Nov 11:10 backup02-dir JobId 917: No Jobs found to prune.

19-Nov 11:10 backup02-dir JobId 917: Begin pruning Files.

19-Nov 11:10 backup02-dir JobId 917: No Files found to prune.

19-Nov 11:10 backup02-dir JobId 917: End auto prune.

19-Nov 11:26 backup02-sd JobId 915: Job write elapsed time = 02:21:25, Transfer 
rate = 3.655 M Bytes/second

19-Nov 11:26 backup02-dir JobId 915: Bacula backup02-dir 5.2.6 (21Feb12):

  Build OS:               x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ubuntu 14.04

  JobId:                  915

  Job:                    ecommdb1.2014-11-19_09.05.00_11

  Backup Level:           Differential, since=2014-11-08 09:05:03

  Client:                 "ecommdb" 2.4.4 (28Dec08) 

  FileSet:                "Database Backup" 2014-11-07 22:02:50

  Pool:                   "database" (From Job resource)

  Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)

  Storage:                "Tape3" (From Pool resource)

  Scheduled time:         19-Nov-2014 09:05:00

  Start time:             19-Nov-2014 09:05:00

  End time:               19-Nov-2014 11:26:27

  Elapsed time:           2 hours 21 mins 27 secs

  Priority:               10

  FD Files Written:       1

  SD Files Written:       1

  FD Bytes Written:       31,016,183,168 (31.01 GB)

  SD Bytes Written:       31,016,183,295 (31.01 GB)

  Rate:                   3654.6 KB/s

  Software Compression:   None

  VSS:                    no

  Encryption:             no

  Accurate:               no

  Volume name(s):         AAAACF5F6A

  Volume Session Id:      145

  Volume Session Time:    1415816791

  Last Volume Bytes:      1,407,107,681,280 (1.407 TB)

  Non-fatal FD errors:    0

  SD Errors:              0

  FD termination status:  OK

  SD termination status:  OK

  Termination:            Backup OK

From: "<>" 
Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 at 9:03 AM
To: Josh Fisher <<>>
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] bacula can't make use of multi drives

I think that the only problem with setting "Prefer Mounted Volumes = no" is 
that it will result in a lot of moving of a volume back and forth between 
drives. While it might not be a bug, since it works as advertised, it CAN be a 
problem. For tape, it will really slow things down because it takes a 
substantial time to move a tape out of one drive and into another. For disk 
virtual autochangers, though, the moving between "drives" is simply closing a 
disk file and then re-opening it, meaning that the delay is very negligible.

Mr. Fisher: It's not just that. Eventually "Prefer Mounted Volumes = no" messes 
up the autochanger during a random backup and you have to restart storage 
daemon and sometimes powercycle the tape library.

If there is some other issue, like a race condition that I am not aware of, 
then that would indeed be a bug in my book. But I have used 
PreferMountedVolumes=no for disk virtual autochanger without (so far) 
encountering any such problems, just the swapping between drives. And for disk 
virtual autochangers, I don't see that as a problem in and of itself.

I don't know if it is already fixed or if this error happens for all 
autochangers. But last Bacula System Community Storage whitepapers goes in the 
same way. Having 2 pools is still safer and more reliable way to do multiple 
volumes writing.

Heitor Medrado de Faria  - LPIC-III | ITIL-F
Faltam poucos dias - Treinamento Telepresencial Bacula:
61 2021-8260<tel:%2B55%2061%202021-8260> | 8268-4220<tel:%2B55%2061%208268-4220>
Site:<> | Facebook: 
heitor.faria<> | Gtalk:<>

De: "Josh Fisher" <<>>
Enviadas: Quarta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2014 14:52:42
Assunto: Re: [Bacula-users] bacula can't make use of multi drives

On 11/19/2014 11:10 AM,<> wrote:
Is it a bug that bacula cannot write to multiple drives for the jobs in the 
same pool? Will there be a fix. Back in March 2014 Wolfgang Denk wrote "it can" 
but how?

It's not a bug, but just the way it's designed.
"Prefer Mounted Volumes=no" it's a directive that could allow to write multiple 
volumes within the same pool at the same time, however this is a little buggy 
and not recommended at this time.

It's not a bug, but it is a little buggy??

I think that the only problem with setting "Prefer Mounted Volumes = no" is 
that it will result in a lot of moving of a volume back and forth between 
drives. While it might not be a bug, since it works as advertised, it CAN be a 
problem. For tape, it will really slow things down because it takes a 
substantial time to move a tape out of one drive and into another. For disk 
virtual autochangers, though, the moving between "drives" is simply closing a 
disk file and then re-opening it, meaning that the delay is very negligible.

If there is some other issue, like a race condition that I am not aware of, 
then that would indeed be a bug in my book. But I have used 
PreferMountedVolumes=no for disk virtual autochanger without (so far) 
encountering any such problems, just the swapping between drives. And for disk 
virtual autochangers, I don't see that as a problem in and of itself.

Heitor Medrado de Faria  - LPIC-III | ITIL-F
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