Hey guys,

 I'm only backing up a couple of VM instances right now. But last night
both of them failed with this error:

11-May 04:01 ops.jokefire.com JobId 58: Fatal error: catreq.c:587 attribute
create error.

That's what I saw with the messages command. However I did not find a
corresponding error in the bacula log located at /var/log/bacula/bacula.log

This is what I saw when I went to check on the backups for today:

Running Jobs:
Console connected at 11-May-15 10:09
 JobId Level   Name                       Status
    58 Increme  web1.jokefire.com.2015-05-11_03.05.04_05 has a fatal error
    59 Full    Jokefire_BackupCatalog.2015-05-11_03.10.00_06 is waiting for
higher priority jobs to finish

Can anyone let me know what I'll need to do to get rid of this error and
start taking backups again?


GPG me!!

gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys F186197B
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