On Saturday 2017-03-04 20:07:06 Matteo Cerutti wrote:
> Hi,
> unfortunately it's still happening. I pasted the output of llist pools
> at
> https://gist.github.com/m4ce/4d4b296bb2964a9be8ff4ddae210bd00#file-llis
> t-pools .
> I noticed something weird though. When I issue list volumes, the media
> type for all my volumes is File1. I would expect to see File2 and File3
> too for some volumes?

Are you using "Storage" option in your Job resources or is the
JobDefs the only place you have referenced the Storage?

Bacula allows it but I don't think you can use something like:
Storage = FileStorage1,FileStorage2,FileStorage3

Bacula probably took the first one and that's why all your volumes
have the same MediaType.

Could someone confirm that multiple storages could be supplied and
separated using comma like in the example above?

What would be the practical use/result of such feature anyway?

Josip Deanovic

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