On 16/03/2017 18:00, Erik P. Olsen wrote:
> On 2017-03-15 at 21:17:07 Dan Langille wrote:
>>> On Mar 14, 2017, at 2:42 AM, Erik P. Olsen <epod...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 2017-03-13 at 22:52:04 Richard wrote:
>>>> What you have for privileges is what I would expect. My
>>>> "grant_mysql_privileges" script has two lines - the first will do the
>>>> "localhost" setup for the bacula user. Assuming that your script is
>>>> lacking that, you might want to add it and try rerunning the script.
>>>> grant all privileges on ${db_name}.* to ${db_user}@localhost ${pass};
>>>> grant all privileges on ${db_name}.* to ${db_user}@"%" ${pass};
>>> In my script the lines are:
>>> use mysql
>>> grant all privileges on ${db_name}.* to ${db_user}@localhost ${pass} 
>>> ${ssl_options};
>>> grant all privileges on ${db_name}.* to ${db_user}@"%" ${pass} 
>>> ${ssl_options};
>>> select * from user;
>>> flush privileges;
>>> Ups, I now see that a semicolon is missing after "use mysql".
>>> I'll add it and rerun the script:
>>> Oh it won't let me do the "use mysql;" Access denied.
>> Perhaps connect to mysql using the user name / password you have in the 
>> Catalog definition.
> [erik@Erik-PC ~]$ mysql bacula --user=bacula
> ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to database 'bacula'
> [erik@Erik-PC ~]$
> I am afraid it will never work :-(
It would work if you ran the grant privileges script - which you were 
told to do way, way back.

                Gary    B-)

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