This is a feature that was requested by users.

Jobs that are disabled are no longer listed in the list of jobs available to be run. If you manually run a disabled job, it will still run.

Best regards,


On 07/20/2017 03:40 PM, Uwe Schuerkamp wrote:
Hi folks,

I have a few jobs that I run manually from time to time and so I've
set them to "Enabled = False" in their job definition.

It seems that as of 9.0.0, running these jobs no longer shows up in
bacula's log nor in the Job table. Also, they're not listed in the job
list anymore when I simply type "run", however when I type

run job="<disabled job name>"

they're still recognized.

Everything worked fine in 7.4.4, is this a bug or a feature?

All the best & TIA,


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