I just setup a bacual instance on Debian9 and it was messy/painful for some
reason, I had to do a lot of config by hand which I didnt expect.

 Anyway how can I verify that the system is backing up the catalouge?

The reason I am saying this I did the default backup and restore and I can
see the restored files which proves the backup seems to be working.
However in bconsole when I look at the status of the director I see the
backupcatalouge is 0 bytes insize.  Surely there should be some small
amount even if I have only done one small backup?

Status available for:
     1: Director
     2: Storage
     3: Client
     4: Scheduled
     5: All
Select daemon type for status (1-5): 1
dell6430-001-dir Version: 7.4.4 (20 September 2016) x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
debian 9.0
Daemon started 31-Oct-17 13:50, conf reloaded 31-Oct-2017 13:50:06
 Jobs: run=4, running=0 mode=0
 Heap: heap=163,840 smbytes=90,915 max_bytes=1,236,172 bufs=273 max_bufs=300

Scheduled Jobs:
Level          Type     Pri  Scheduled          Job Name           Volume
Incremental    Backup    10  31-Oct-17 23:05    BackupLocalFiles   vol001
Full           Backup    11  31-Oct-17 23:10    BackupCatalog      vol001

Running Jobs:
Console connected at 31-Oct-17 13:59
No Jobs running.

Terminated Jobs:
 JobId  Level    Files      Bytes   Status   Finished        Name
8><----(ignore errors while setting up)
     1  Full        282    17.76 M  OK       31-Oct-17 13:58
8><----(ignore I made an error)
     3  Restore      282    44.98 M  OK       31-Oct-17 14:02
     4  Full          0         0   OK       31-Oct-17 14:04 BackupCatalog

You have messages.
31-Oct 14:04 dell6430-001-dir JobId 4: Begin pruning Jobs older than 2
years 11 months 20 days .
31-Oct 14:04 dell6430-001-dir JobId 4: No Jobs found to prune.
31-Oct 14:04 dell6430-001-dir JobId 4: Begin pruning Files.
31-Oct 14:04 dell6430-001-dir JobId 4: No Files found to prune.
31-Oct 14:04 dell6430-001-dir JobId 4: End auto prune.

31-Oct 14:04 dell6430-001-dir JobId 4: shell command: run AfterJob

So is there a way to verify the catalouge is OK?

or is what I am seeing expected?
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