Hi Gentlemen and ladies,

Some days ago I've installed the packages of Bacula 9.0.8 with PostgreSQL
in a Debian 9 machine initially connected to a 25TB NAS as a substitute for
my old backup system with BackupPC (Rsync based). Immediately I started a
successful backup routine of about 50 VMs running the most different
versions of Debian and Ubuntu but I have some old clients that I couldn't
find a 9.x package of bacula-fd, yet. So the doubt is: Can I use these
clients on my Bacula server 9.0.8?

I decided to use this version (9.0.8), instead of most recent (9.2.1)
because after a search on the Community repository I concluded that this
version is what most support Ubuntu and Debian versions, but now I have
approximately 20 outdated machines that I can't update their OS and the
only bacula-fd version available is 5.x.x (specifically talking: Ubuntu
Precise, Ubuntu Wily and Debian Squeeze).

I've tried to force a use of these client version but without success. When
I ask for "status client" on "bconsole", the message were about the
impossibility of a connection. The configuration of new and old clients are
the same, there is no firewall or any restriction to client and server
talking to each other but unfortunately not work.

I've looked for difference between format, protocols etc between 5.x and
9.x but I found nothing about this (probably I did a bad search). Looking
here in forum archive I found some suggestion about success with new server
and old client but in  long time ago (server 3.x and client 2.x or some
like that). Nothing more recent.

If I can't put the clients in my Bacula 9, the solution I've thinking is
install a second backup server running a old Bacula version exclusive to
backup these machines. The problem of this solution is have to maintain two
backup servers duplicating my efforts to keep all up and running,

Can anyone the same scenery to help me?


Welington Rodrigues Braga
Web: http://www.welrbraga.eti.br
Gtalk: welrbraga[*]gmail·com
Yahoo / Skype:  welrbraga
PGP Key: 0x6C7654EB
Linux User #253605

"Em tudo somos atribulados, porém não angustiados; perplexos, porém não
desanimados; perseguidos, porém não desamparados; abatidos, porém não
destruídos;" - 2Co 4:8,9
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