In the message dated: Wed, 12 Dec 2018 10:50:45 -0500,
The pithy ruminations from on 
[Re: [Bacula-users] [External] Re: "Full" tapes with zero bytes?] were:
=> In the message dated: Wed, 12 Dec 2018 13:40:04 +0000,
=> The pithy ruminations from Martin Simmons on 
=> [[External] Re: [Bacula-users] "Full" tapes with zero bytes?] were:
=> => >>>>> On Tue, 11 Dec 2018 16:02:19 -0500, mark bergman said:
=> => > 
=> => > I'm running Bacula 9.0.8 under CentOS 6, and I'm seeing something odd 
with some tapes. Backups were written to the tapes, but a query of the status 
of volumes in the tape changer shows that the media is
=> => > "Full" with zero GB:
=> => > 
=> => > 
=> => > 
=> => >         Choose a query (1-50): 15
=> => >         
=> => >         | mediaid | volumename | gb    | storage | slot | pool        | 
mediatype | volstatus |
=> => >         
=> => >         |     264 | 006273L6   |     0 | neoxl80 |   19 | Full        | 
LTO6      | Full      |
=> => >         |     220 | 006200L6   |     0 | neoxl80 |   20 | Incremental | 
LTO6      | Full      |
=> I'm going to run some diagnostics with "btape" and "bls" to try to determine 
whether there is actually data on the tapes.


The command "bls -j -v"  is returning things like:

Adata             : 0
Id                : Bacula 1.0 immortal
VerNo             : 11
VolName           : 006200L6
PrevVolName       : 
VolFile           : 0
LabelType         : VOL_LABEL
LabelSize         : 175
PoolName          : Scratch
MediaType         : LTO6
PoolType          : Backup
HostName          : cbica-infr2
Date label written: 22-Mar-2017 18:27
bls: read_records.c:204-0 invalid: rec=2906429 block=0 state=partial,empty
bls: read_records.c:341-0 The record 3 in block 0 SI=62 ST=1491232501 
FI=1612241 was marked as invalid
bls: read_records.c:204-0 invalid: rec=178934 block=0 state=partial,empty
bls: read_records.c:341-0 The record 11 in block 0 SI=73 ST=1491232501 
FI=2211606 was marked as invalid



Volume Label:
Adata             : 0
Id                : Bacula 1.0 immortal
VerNo             : 11
VolName           : 006273L6
PrevVolName       : 
VolFile           : 0
LabelType         : VOL_LABEL
LabelSize         : 172
PoolName          : Scratch
MediaType         : LTO6
PoolType          : Backup
HostName          : cbica-infr2
Date label written: 17-Apr-2017 20:03
bls: read_records.c:204-0 invalid: rec=3996803 block=0 state=partial,empty
bls: read_records.c:341-0 The record 1 in block 0 SI=283 ST=1496263978 
FI=7154160 was marked as invalid

End Job Session Record:
JobId             : 20313
VerNum            : 11
PoolName          : Incremental
PoolType          : Backup
JobName           : projects-p
ClientName        : ffff-infr-vbacula
Job (unique name) : projects-p.2017-06-05_02.45.00_34
FileSet           : projects-p
JobType           : B
JobLevel          : D
JobFiles          : 7,185,291
JobBytes          : 2,849,513,857,175
StartBlock        : 193,084
EndBlock          : 193,083
StartFile         : 8
EndFile           : 8
JobErrors         : 0
JobStatus         : T
Date written      : 06-Jun-2017 22:01

Begin Job Session Record:
JobId             : 20435
VerNum            : 11
PoolName          : Incremental
PoolType          : Backup
JobName           : pppp-full
ClientName        : pppp-fd
Job (unique name) : pppp-full.2017-06-07_01.45.00_39
FileSet           : Full Set
JobType           : B
JobLevel          : I
Date written      : 07-Jun-2017 02:07

With many (hundreds) of jobs listed.

Any thoughts -- corrupt tape? Corrupt database catalog?


Mark Bergman                                           voice: 215-746-4061                              fax: 215-614-0266
IT Technical Director, Center for Biomedical Image Computing and Analytics
Department of Radiology                         University of Pennsylvania

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