It is available locally. In fact, it is normally possible to mount files
from another server via nfs and back up the files, but if you proceed
without mounting the nfs via fd, you will get the error ...

/ etc / hosts is perfect. ping communication via hostname and ssh, rsync
both work normally ...

What more can I check?

2019년 1월 13일 (일) 오후 12:52, 권순혁 <>님이 작성:

> Hi.
> I am using bacula9 and I can backup it locally, but if I install fd to
> another server and start backup, I can communicate with fd. What can I
> identify and solve?
> JobId 50: Start Backup JobId 50, Job=test_job.2019-01-13_12.42.50_16
> JobId 50: Using Device "log-dev" to write.
> JobId 50: Error: bsockcore.c:285 gethostbyname() for host "slave" failed:
> ERR=Name or service not known
> Master JobId 50: Fatal error: job.c:2138 Failed to connect to Storage
> daemon: slave:9103
> slave-dir JobId 50: Fatal error: Bad response to Storage command: wanted
> 2000 OK storage
> , got 2902 Bad storage
> 13-Jan 12:42 slave-dir JobId 50: Error: Bacula slave-dir 9.4.1 (20Dec18):
> Build OS:               x86_64-pc-linux-gnu redhat Enterprise release
>   JobId:                  50
>   Job:                    test_job.2019-01-13_12.42.50_16
>   Backup Level:           Full
>   Client:                 "master" 9.4.1 (20Dec18)
> x86_64-pc-linux-gnu,redhat,Enterprise release
>   FileSet:                "test" 2019-01-13 12:26:00
>   Pool:                   "log-pool" (From Command input)
>   Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
>   Storage:                "log-stor" (From Pool resource)
>   Scheduled time:         13-Jan-2019 12:42:50
>   Start time:             13-Jan-2019 12:42:52
>   End time:               13-Jan-2019 12:42:53
>   Elapsed time:           1 sec
>   Priority:               10
>   FD Files Written:       0
>   SD Files Written:       0
>   FD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
>   SD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
>   Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
>   Software Compression:   None
>   Comm Line Compression:  None
>   Snapshot/VSS:           no
>   Encryption:             no
>   Accurate:               no
>   Volume name(s):
>   Volume Session Id:      8
>   Volume Session Time:    1547311512
>   Last Volume Bytes:      0 (0 B)
>   Non-fatal FD errors:    2
>   SD Errors:              0
>   FD termination status:  Error
>   SD termination status:  Waiting on FD
> Termination:            *** Backup Error ***
> best regards.
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