Hello Kern,

thanks for the answer. I'll do.  But for the time being I found a
workaround. Digging in the source, I found, that dbcheck only tests
whether any entry in the job table has "hascache" <>0. Even if there is
just one entry, dbcheck declines to celar up the orphaned path entries.
Searching for hascache in the rest of the source I found that hascache in
the job table seems to be only reset in ".bvfs_clear_cache".

I suspect that the occasionally crashing bat session left those lying
around. I manually called ".bvfs_clear_cache yes" in bconsole without bat
running and then dbcheck could clear up the orphaned path entries.

Best regards,


Am 20.01.19 um 13:51 schrieb Kern Sibbald:
> Hello Stefan,
> Please submit a bug report on this.  When running dbcheck, it is my opinion
> that we should not be relying on .bvfs.  If this is true (as it seems from
> your
> output) then I must see why and make sure it is justified.  dbcheck should
> always
> be able to prune.
> Best regards,
> Kern
> On 1/17/19 11:13 AM, Stefan Muenkner wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have an almost 9 years running Bacula installation that accumulated more
>> than 800,000 orphaned paths entries in the database (around 5% of all
>> entries in the path table). dbcheck claims it cannot prune those when BVFS
>> is used.
>> ....
>>       9) Check for orphaned Path records
>> ....
>> Select function number: 9
>> Pruning orphaned Path entries isn't possible when using BVFS.
>> ....
>> Is there anything I can do about it?
>> Best regards
>>    Stefan

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