
Please see my comment below:

On 4/16/19 8:15 AM, Josip Deanovic wrote:
On Monday 2019-04-15 23:24:10 Marcio Demetrio Bacci wrote:
I have some doubts about Bacula, however I did not find answers on the
Internet or in the books for the following doubts:

1. Is there any problem in using Bacula virtualized? (I didn't find
anything saying otherwise)
I have several setups on vmware and kvm. Even few on raspberry-pi and
they are all running for at least 5 years, some of them 10+.

2. Is there any restriction on mounting the Bacula VM on a DRBD volume
in the hypervisor. In this VM I will implement ZFS deduplication for my
No. As long as Bacula can use the file system as usual, Bacula will not
be affected by the fact you are using DRBD as it just provides another
block device you are using for your file system of choice (in your case

But you might want to read some articles on the DRBD + ZFS setup if you
haven't done that already.
E.g. http://cedric.dufour.name/blah/IT/ZfsOnTopOfDrbd.html

3. Is there any limitation on the size of Backups with Bacula Community
version? (I did not find information about any limitations)
No. Bacula Systems is kind enough to not impose such limits on Bacula
Community version and it was never a case.

What you said is perfectly correct.  However it seems to imply that Bacula Systems may have some control over the Community version, which is not the case.

Bacula Systems was created by me, and as Chairman of the Board of Bacula Systems, I can assure you that Bacula Systems does not impose anything on the Community version, and it never will. Bacula Systems can co-exist with the Community version because they have the financial means to create differentiating features that are attractive to Enterprise customers.  Ultimately these differentiating features are over time backported into the Community version -- so in effect Bacula Systems rather than "imposing limits" on the Community version has been over the years adding a lot of new functionality to the community version.

As an aside: Bacula Systems, contrary to virtually all other commercial vendors, does not even limit or charge its customers for the size of the backup.  The support fees are the charged on the complexity (and thus the support load) as best as is possible (primarily on the number of clients and number of plugins).

Best regards,


4. Having a few jobs with 300 GB or more, though I set up my volumes on
Bacula with 100 GB, so would you recommend increasing the size of the
volumes to 200 GB or more?
I prefer to keep them at 10G so that I can maintain them easier in case
I need to deal with the volumes manually.

5. Currently the OS and Backup disks are on the same DRBD volume, so
would it be better to put the OS disk out of the DRBD volume? (the VM
has frequently crashing what makes me think that excessive writing on
the disk may be impacting the OS)
Generally, it is good idea to keep OS and the data separated.
That way you can optimize its devices differently performance and

But if your DRBD is the only thing that gives you redundancy then it's
better to keep them both on the DRBD.

However, the crashing VM is really bad problem and is not something
that should be ignored or considered as nuisance.
You should attend to solving this problem before proceeding with
improvements of other systems that rely on that VM and its stability.

Good luck.


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