
In dir.conf

add  block Storage
 Autochanger = XXXXXXXX

in sd.conf    set autocharger?


Autochanger {
  Name = "mhvtl2"
  Device = "Drive-1"
  ChangerDevice = "/dev/tape/by-id/scsi-350112233ab010000"
  ChangerCommand = "/opt/bacula/scripts/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"

show,  your:   lsscsi -g

On Sat, May 2, 2020 at 5:37 PM r0...@nxlplyx.com <r0...@nxlplyx.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to backup Ubuntu 18.04 on to a non-amazon S3 service,
> At first I thought it was my configuration, because Bacula backs up to and
> from NFS drives with no problem, and s3fs mounts a drive to the S3 service
> with no problem.
> However I kept getting an error each time I tried.
> I ran wireshark on the and machine watched for any attempt to communicate
> with the S3 service.  There was none.  For some reason Bacula is not even
> attempting to communicate with the S3 service.
> Below are the output by bconsole, as well as ther relevant bacula-dir.conf
> and bacula-sd.conf entries.
> I'd sure appreciate any help on this.
> Al
> ======================
> ./bconsole output:
> The defined Job resources are:
>      1: BackupClient1
>      2: BackupClient1-to-Cloud
>      3: BackupCatalog
>      4: RestoreFiles
> Select Job resource (1-4): 2
> Run Backup job
> JobName:  BackupClient1-to-Cloud
> Level:    Incremental
> Client:   user1-Standard-PC-i440FX-PIIX-1996-fd
> FileSet:  Full Set
> Pool:     File (From Job resource)
> Storage:  dev_nd1_storage (From Job resource)
> When:     2020-05-02 11:45:49
> Priority: 10
> OK to run? (yes/mod/no): yes
> Job queued. JobId=21
> You have messages.
> *messages
> 02-May 11:45 user1-Standard-PC-i440FX-PIIX-1996-dir JobId 21: No prior
> Full backup Job record found.
> 02-May 11:45 user1-Standard-PC-i440FX-PIIX-1996-dir JobId 21: No prior or
> suitable Full backup found in catalog. Doing FULL backup.
> 02-May 11:45 user1-Standard-PC-i440FX-PIIX-1996-dir JobId 21: Start Backup
> JobId 21, Job=BackupClient1-to-Cloud.2020-05-02_11.45.53_03
> 02-May 11:45 user1-Standard-PC-i440FX-PIIX-1996-dir JobId 21: Using Device
> "dev_nd1" to write.
> 02-May 11:45 user1-Standard-PC-i440FX-PIIX-1996-fd JobId 21: Fatal error:
> job.c:3013 Comm error with SD. bad response to Append Data. ERR=No data
> available
> *
> ===========================
> relevant bacula-dir.conf enties:
> Storage {
>     Name = dev_nd1_storage
>     Address = user1-Standard-PC-i440FX-PIIX-1996
>     SD Port = 9103
>     Password = <redacted>
>     Device = dev_nd1
>     Media Type = CloudType
> }
> Job {
>   Name = "BackupClient1-to-Cloud"
>   JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
>   Storage = dev_nd1_storage
>   Client = user1-Standard-PC-i440FX-PIIX-1996-fd
> }
> ============================
> relevant bacula-sd.conf entries:
> Device {
>   Name = dev_nd1
>   Device Type = Cloud
>   Cloud = S3Cloud
>   Archive Device = /home/user1/dirNFS/bu/bacula_cloudstorage_test
>   Maximum Part Size = 10000000
>   Media Type = CloudType
>   LabelMedia = yes;
>   Random Access = Yes;
>   AutomaticMount = yes
>   RemovableMedia = no
>   AlwaysOpen = no
> }
> Cloud {
>   Name = S3Cloud
>   Driver = "S3"
>   HostName = us-central-1-s3.netdepot.com
>  # HostName = netdepot.com
>   BucketName = "test_bucket"
>   Access Key = <redacted>
>   Secret Key = <redacted>
>   Protocol = HTTPS
>   UriStyle = VirtualHost
>   Truncate Cache = No
>   Upload = EachPart
>   Region = "us-central-1"
>   MaximumUploadBandwidth = 5MB/s
> }
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