Hi Martin,

Thanks for your help, I will contact them

Met vriendelijke groet / With kind regards,

> On May 14, 2020, at 6:48 PM, Martin Simmons <mar...@lispworks.com> wrote:
> Yes, there is no workaround.  I suggest you contact Bacula Systems about it,
> becasue they might not know about the problem.
> __Martin
>>>>>> On Thu, 14 May 2020 16:38:06 +0000, Rick Tuk said:
>> Hi Martin,
>> I installed Bacula through the Ubuntu repository provided by Bacula:
>> deb http://bacula.org/packages/<key>/debs/9.6.3/bionic/amd64 bionic main
>> Other than building bacula myself or waiting for a new release there is 
>> probably not much that I can do, right?
>> Met vriendelijke groet / With kind regards,
>> Rick
>>>> On May 14, 2020, at 6:20 PM, Martin Simmons <mar...@lispworks.com> wrote:
>>> OK, so your bacula-sd-cloud-driver-9.6.3.so is built without S3 support for
>>> some reason (there should be many lines mentioning s3_driver).  The output 
>>> of
>>> objdump is also strangely mangled, because all of the references to 
>>> fil_driver
>>> should be file_driver.
>>> It looks like libs3 was not detected when Bacula was built.
>>> __Martin
>>>>>>>> On Thu, 14 May 2020 15:08:09 +0000, Rick Tuk said:
>>>> Hi Martin,
>>>> The Plugin Directory is /opt/bacula/plugins:
>>>> Storage {
>>>>   Name = soteria-sd
>>>>   SD Address =  soteria.local.domain
>>>>   SD Port = 9103
>>>>   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20
>>>>   Working Directory = /opt/bacula/working
>>>>   Pid Directory = /opt/bacula/working
>>>>   Plugin Directory = "/opt/bacula/plugins"
>>>> }
>>>> The output of objdump -t 
>>>> /opt/bacula/plugins/bacula-sd-cloud-driver-9.6.3.so | grep _driver is:
>>>> 0000000000000000 l    df *ABS*    0000000000000000              s3_driver.c
>>>> 0000000000000000 l    df *ABS*    0000000000000000              
>>>> file_driver.c
>>>> 0000000000014f60 l     O .rodata    000000000000004a              
>>>> _ZZN11fil_driver22get_cloud_volumes_listEP3DCRP5alistRPcE19__PRETTY_FUNCTION__
>>>> 0000000000014fc0 l     O .rodata    000000000000005c              
>>>> _ZZN11fil_driver27get_cloud_volume_parts_listEP3DCRPKcP5ilistRPcE19__PRETTY_FUNCTION__
>>>> 0000000000015100 l     O .rodata    000000000000004c              
>>>> _ZZN11fil_driver10put_objectEP8transferPKcS3_P7bwlimitE19__PRETTY_FUNCTION__
>>>> 00000000000150a0 l     O .rodata    0000000000000049              
>>>> _ZZN11fil_driver19make_cloud_filenameERPcPKcjE19__PRETTY_FUNCTION__
>>>> 0000000000015060 l     O .rodata    000000000000003e              
>>>> _ZZN11fil_driver24copy_cache_part_to_cloudEP8transferE19__PRETTY_FUNCTION__
>>>> 0000000000015020 l     O .rodata    000000000000003e              
>>>> _ZZN11fil_driver24copy_cloud_part_to_cacheEP8transferE19__PRETTY_FUNCTION__
>>>> 0000000000012b90 g     F .text    000000000000010e              
>>>> _ZN11file_driver24copy_cache_part_to_cloudEP8transfer
>>>> 0000000000011490 g     F .text    0000000000000088              
>>>> _ZN11file_driver4initEP3JCRP9cloud_devP6DEVRES
>>>> 0000000000012960 g     F .text    000000000000022c              
>>>> _ZN11file_driver21truncate_cloud_volumeEP3DCRPKcP5ilistRPc
>>>> 0000000000012090 g     F .text    00000000000007f6              
>>>> _ZN11file_driver10put_objectEP8transferPKcS3_P7bwlimit
>>>> 0000000000217d20  w    O .data.rel.ro    0000000000000068              
>>>> _ZTV11fil_driver
>>>> 0000000000011a60 g     F .text    000000000000062f              
>>>> _ZN11file_driver27get_cloud_volume_parts_listEP3DCRPKcP5ilistRPc
>>>> 000000000000f7a0  w    F .text    0000000000000040              
>>>> _ZN11file_driverD0Ev
>>>> 000000000000f7e0  w    F .text    000000000000002c              
>>>> _ZN11file_driverD2Ev
>>>> 0000000000010950 g     F .text    0000000000000185              
>>>> _ZN16transfer_manager8get_xferEmPFPvP8transferEPcPKcjP12cloud_driverP3DCRP11cloud_proxy
>>>> 0000000000011580 g     F .text    00000000000004d5              
>>>> _ZN11file_driver22get_cloud_volumes_listEP3DCRP5alistRPc
>>>> 0000000000011520 g     F .text    0000000000000006              
>>>> _ZN11file_driver10end_of_jobEP3DCR
>>>> 0000000000010250 g     F .text    0000000000000154              
>>>> _ZN8transferC2EmPFPvPS_EPKcS5_jP12cloud_driverP3DCRP11cloud_proxy
>>>> 0000000000011520 g     F .text    0000000000000006              
>>>> _ZN11file_driver4termEP3DCR
>>>> 0000000000011530 g     F .text    0000000000000047              
>>>> _ZN11file_driver12start_of_jobEP3DCR
>>>> 0000000000012ca0 g     F .text    00000000000000d3              
>>>> _ZN11file_driver24copy_cloud_part_to_cacheEP8transfer
>>>> 000000000000f7e0  w    F .text    000000000000002c              
>>>> _ZN11file_driverD1Ev
>>>> 00000000000128a0 g     F .text    00000000000000bb              
>>>> _ZN11file_driver19make_cloud_filenameERPcPKcj
>>>> 0000000000012890 g     F .text    000000000000000c              
>>>> _ZN11file_driver16get_cloud_objectEP8transferPKcS3_
>>>> 0000000000010250 g     F .text    0000000000000154              
>>>> _ZN8transferC1EmPFPvPS_EPKcS5_jP12cloud_driverP3DCRP11cloud_proxy
>>>> 0000000000217948  w    O .data.rel.ro    0000000000000068              
>>>> _ZTV12cloud_driver
>>>> Met vriendelijke groet / With kind regards,
>>>> Rick
>>>>> On May 14, 2020, at 3:19 PM, Martin Simmons <mar...@lispworks.com> wrote:
>>>>> It looks to me like S3 support is missing.
>>>>> What is the PluginDirectory in your bacula-sd.conf?
>>>>> Find the bacula-sd-cloud-driver-9.6.3.so in that directory and post the 
>>>>> output
>>>>> of:
>>>>> objdump -t /...path.../...to.../bacula-sd-cloud-driver-9.6.3.so | grep 
>>>>> _driver
>>>>> __Martin
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, 14 May 2020 06:24:53 +0000, Rick Tuk said:
>>>>>> LS,
>>>>>> I read Martin Simmons' reply to Phillip Dale’s message.
>>>>>> The traceback I found did not have much information in it, so I 
>>>>>> installed gd and changed the btraceback script to run gd as root.
>>>>>> The following traceback is triggered by opening bconsole and trying to 
>>>>>> list all volumes in cloud, same sd crash happens:
>>>>>> [New LWP 5942]
>>>>>> [New LWP 6084]
>>>>>> [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
>>>>>> Using host libthread_db library 
>>>>>> "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libthread_db.so.1".
>>>>>> 0x00007ff1e39ca03f in select () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
>>>>>> $1 = "14-May-2020 08:18:11\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
>>>>>> $2 = 0x56298dfb0ee0 <my_name> "soteria.svc.mostwanted.io-sd"
>>>>>> $3 = 0x56298ee4d0e8 "bacula-sd"
>>>>>> $4 = 0x56298ee4d128 "/opt/bacula/bin/bacula-sd"
>>>>>> $5 = 0x0
>>>>>> $6 = '\000' <repeats 49 times>
>>>>>> $7 = 0x7ff1e42ad55b "9.6.3 (09 March 2020)"
>>>>>> $8 = 0x7ff1e42ad53a "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu"
>>>>>> $9 = 0x7ff1e42ad533 "ubuntu"
>>>>>> $10 = 0x7ff1e42ad555 "18.04"
>>>>>> $11 = "soteria", '\000' <repeats 42 times>
>>>>>> $12 = 0x7ff1e42ad54e "ubuntu 18.04"
>>>>>> Environment variable "TestName" not defined.
>>>>>> #0  0x00007ff1e39ca03f in select () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
>>>>>> #1  0x00007ff1e4269618 in bnet_thread_server (addrs=<optimized out>, 
>>>>>> max_clients=41, client_wq=0x56298dfb1020 <dird_workq>, 
>>>>>> handle_client_request=0x56298dd99ee0 <handle_connection_request(void*)>) 
>>>>>> at bnet_server.c:166
>>>>>> #2  0x000056298dd9126a in main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized 
>>>>>> out>) at stored.c:326
>>>>>> Thread 3 (Thread 0x7ff1e1e6f700 (LWP 6084)):
>>>>>> #0  0x00007ff1e403f23a in waitpid () from 
>>>>>> /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0
>>>>>> #1  0x00007ff1e429453e in signal_handler (sig=11) at signal.c:233
>>>>>> #2  <signal handler called>
>>>>>> #3  0x00007ff1e0c64787 in cloud_dev::get_cloud_volumes_list 
>>>>>> (this=<optimized out>, dcr=0x7ff1dc00a138, volumes=0x7ff1e1e6ec50, 
>>>>>> err=@0x7ff1e1e6ec48: 0x7ff1dc001330 "") at cloud_dev.h:110
>>>>>> #4  0x000056298dd95829 in cloud_list_cmd (jcr=<optimized out>) at 
>>>>>> dircmd.c:815
>>>>>> #5  0x000056298dd9a394 in handle_connection_request (arg=0x56298ee57428) 
>>>>>> at dircmd.c:242
>>>>>> #6  0x00007ff1e429f518 in workq_server (arg=0x56298dfb1020 <dird_workq>) 
>>>>>> at workq.c:372
>>>>>> #7  0x00007ff1e40346db in start_thread () from 
>>>>>> /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0
>>>>>> #8  0x00007ff1e39d488f in clone () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
>>>>>> Thread 2 (Thread 0x7ff1e166e700 (LWP 5942)):
>>>>>> #0  0x00007ff1e403af85 in pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from 
>>>>>> /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0
>>>>>> #1  0x00007ff1e429eb56 in watchdog_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at 
>>>>>> watchdog.c:299
>>>>>> #2  0x00007ff1e40346db in start_thread () from 
>>>>>> /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0
>>>>>> #3  0x00007ff1e39d488f in clone () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
>>>>>> Thread 1 (Thread 0x7ff1e4b59300 (LWP 5938)):
>>>>>> #0  0x00007ff1e39ca03f in select () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
>>>>>> #1  0x00007ff1e4269618 in bnet_thread_server (addrs=<optimized out>, 
>>>>>> max_clients=41, client_wq=0x56298dfb1020 <dird_workq>, 
>>>>>> handle_client_request=0x56298dd99ee0 <handle_connection_request(void*)>) 
>>>>>> at bnet_server.c:166
>>>>>> #2  0x000056298dd9126a in main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized 
>>>>>> out>) at stored.c:326
>>>>>> #0  0x00007ff1e39ca03f in select () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
>>>>>> No symbol table info available.
>>>>>> #1  0x00007ff1e4269618 in bnet_thread_server (addrs=<optimized out>, 
>>>>>> max_clients=41, client_wq=0x56298dfb1020 <dird_workq>, 
>>>>>> handle_client_request=0x56298dd99ee0 <handle_connection_request(void*)>) 
>>>>>> at bnet_server.c:166
>>>>>> 166    bnet_server.c: No such file or directory.
>>>>>> maxfd = 7
>>>>>> sockset = {fds_bits = {128, 0 <repeats 15 times>}}
>>>>>> newsockfd = <optimized out>
>>>>>> stat = <optimized out>
>>>>>> clilen = 16
>>>>>> clientaddr = {ss_family = 2, __ss_padding = 
>>>>>> "\262\354\n`\bd\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\352٠\375\177\000\000ݲ\233\343\361\177\000\000\060\346٠\375\177\000\000\036\260\224\344\361\177\000\000\220\245\265\344\361\177\000\000\060\346٠\375\177\000\000\240\361\377\177\003\000\000\000\307c\224\344\361\177\000\000`\346٠\375\177\000\000\030\352٠\375\177\000\000X\232W\342\361\177\000\000X\232!\000\000\000\000\000\000\200W\342\361\177\000",
>>>>>>  __ss_align = 1}
>>>>>> tlog = <optimized out>
>>>>>> turnon = 1
>>>>>> request = {fd = 8, user = '\000' <repeats 127 times>, daemon = 
>>>>>> "soteria.svc.mostwanted.io-sd", '\000' <repeats 99 times>, pid = 
>>>>>> "5938\000\000\000\000\000", client = {{name = '\000' <repeats 127 
>>>>>> times>, addr = '\000' <repeats 127 times>, sin = 0x7ff1e38b27e0, unit = 
>>>>>> 0x0, request = 0x7ffda0d9e5a0}}, server = {{name = '\000' <repeats 127 
>>>>>> times>, addr = '\000' <repeats 127 times>, sin = 0x7ff1e38b2760, unit = 
>>>>>> 0x0, request = 0x7ffda0d9e5a0}}, sink = 0x0, hostname = 0x7ff1e36aeb30 
>>>>>> <sock_hostname>, hostaddr = 0x7ff1e36aeae0 <sock_hostaddr>, cleanup = 
>>>>>> 0x0, config = 0x0}
>>>>>> addr = <optimized out>
>>>>>> fd_ptr = 0x0
>>>>>> buf = "", '\000' <repeats 116 times>
>>>>>> sockfds = {<SMARTALLOC> = {<No data fields>}, head = 0x7ffda0d9e3d0, 
>>>>>> tail = 0x7ffda0d9e3d0, loffset = 0, num_items = 1}
>>>>>> allbuf = 
>>>>>> "hM\266\344\361\177\000\000\210\227\224\344\361\177\000\000\020J\266\344\361\177\000\000\020J\266\344\361\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\320L%\344\361\177\000\000\033p\351\003\000\000\000\000$iL\344\361\177\000\000\300EL\344\361\177\000\000X\311$\344\361\177\000\000\020J\266\344\361\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\361\177\000\000p\353٠\375\177\000\000\003\000\000\000\361\177\000\000`\353٠\375\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\375\177\000\000ج\265\344\361\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\020\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\223T`\275ج\265\344\361\177\000\000\301\006\\\372\000\000\000\000\330\301\344\216)V\000\000\326}'\344\361\177\000\000\330\301\344\216)V\000\000\300\313*\344"...
>>>>>> #2  0x000056298dd9126a in main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized 
>>>>>> out>) at stored.c:326
>>>>>> 326    stored.c: No such file or directory.
>>>>>> ch = <optimized out>
>>>>>> no_signals = <optimized out>
>>>>>> thid = 140676853856000
>>>>>> uid = 0x0
>>>>>> gid = 0x0
>>>>>> #0  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
>>>>>> No symbol table info available.
>>>>>> #0  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
>>>>>> No symbol table info available.
>>>>>> #0  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
>>>>>> No symbol table info available.
>>>>>> #0  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
>>>>>> No symbol table info available.
>>>>>> #0  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
>>>>>> No symbol table info available.
>>>>>> Attempt to dump current JCRs. njcrs=1
>>>>>> threadid=0x7ff1e1e6f700 JobId=0 JobStatus=C jcr=0x7ff1dc0008f8 
>>>>>> name=*System*
>>>>>>    use_count=1 killable=1
>>>>>>    JobType=I JobLevel=
>>>>>>    sched_time=14-May-2020 08:18 start_time=01-Jan-1970 01:00
>>>>>>    end_time=01-Jan-1970 01:00 wait_time=01-Jan-1970 01:00
>>>>>>    db=(nil) db_batch=(nil) batch_started=0
>>>>>> dcr=*None*
>>>>>> List plugins. Hook count=0
>>>>>> Met vriendelijke groet / With kind regards,
>>>>>> Rick Tuk 
>>>>>> On May 7, 2020, at 1:32 PM, Rick Tuk <r...@mostwanted.io> wrote:
>>>>>> LS,
>>>>>> I am trying to get Bacula 9.6.3 up and running on Ubuntu 18.04 using the 
>>>>>> bacula-cloud-storage package to store the backups to an Ceph cluster 
>>>>>> using the S3 interface.
>>>>>> All services are running, when I manually try to run a backup job (in 
>>>>>> this case a backup of the same host) The job fails with Fatal error: 
>>>>>> job.c:3011 Comm error with SD. bad response to Append Data. ERR=No data 
>>>>>> available
>>>>>> When this happens the SD daemon crashes with the following error: Bacula 
>>>>>> interrupted by signal 11: Segmentation violation
>>>>>> Configs related to this setup that might be relevant:
>>>>>> bacula-dir:
>>>>>> Storage {
>>>>>> Name = Full
>>>>>> Address = soteria.local.domain
>>>>>> SD Port = 9103
>>>>>> Password = “removed-for-security"
>>>>>> Device = Full
>>>>>> Media Type = CloudType
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> Storage {
>>>>>> Name = Diff
>>>>>> Address = soteria.local.domain
>>>>>> SD Port = 9103
>>>>>> Password = “removed-for-security"
>>>>>> Device = Diff
>>>>>> Media Type = CloudType
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> Storage {
>>>>>> Name = Inc
>>>>>> Address = soteria.local.domain
>>>>>> SD Port = 9103
>>>>>> Password = “removed-for-security"
>>>>>> Device = Diff
>>>>>> Media Type = CloudType
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> Pool {
>>>>>> Name = Daily
>>>>>> Pool Type = Backup
>>>>>> Recycle = yes
>>>>>> AutoPrune = yes
>>>>>> Storage = Inc
>>>>>> File Retention = 1 months
>>>>>> Job Retention = 1 months
>>>>>> Volume Retention = 1 months
>>>>>> Maximum Volume Bytes = 10G
>>>>>> Label Format = daily-
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> bacula-sd:
>>>>>> Cloud {
>>>>>> Name = Ceph-S3
>>>>>> Driver = "S3"
>>>>>> HostName = “s3.local.domain"
>>>>>> BucketName = "bacula"
>>>>>> AccessKey = “removed-for-security"
>>>>>> SecretKey = “removed-for-security"
>>>>>> Protocol = HTTPS
>>>>>> UriStyle = Path
>>>>>> Truncate Cache = No
>>>>>> Upload = EachPart
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> Device {
>>>>>> Name = Full
>>>>>> Cloud = Ceph-S3
>>>>>> Archive Device = /bacula/backup/full
>>>>>> Device Type = Cloud
>>>>>> Media Type = CloudType
>>>>>> Maximum Part Size = 10 MB
>>>>>> Label Media = yes
>>>>>> Random Access = yes
>>>>>> Automatic Mount = yes
>>>>>> Removable Media = no
>>>>>> Always Open = no
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> Device {
>>>>>> Name = Diff
>>>>>> Cloud = Ceph-S3
>>>>>> Archive Device = /bacula/backup/diff
>>>>>> Device Type = Cloud
>>>>>> Media Type = CloudType
>>>>>> Maximum Part Size = 10 MB
>>>>>> Label Media = yes
>>>>>> Random Access = yes
>>>>>> Automatic Mount = yes
>>>>>> Removable Media = no
>>>>>> Always Open = no
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> Device {
>>>>>> Name = Inc
>>>>>> Cloud = Ceph-S3
>>>>>> Archive Device = /bacula/backup/inc
>>>>>> Device Type = Cloud
>>>>>> Media Type = CloudType
>>>>>> Maximum Part Size = 10 MB
>>>>>> Label Media = yes
>>>>>> Random Access = yes
>>>>>> Automatic Mount = yes
>>>>>> Removable Media = no
>>>>>> Always Open = no
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> If any additional information is required, please let me know, I’m 
>>>>>> really hoping to get this to work soon.
>>>>>> Met vriendelijke groet / With kind regards,
>>>>>> Rick
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> Bacula-users mailing list
>>>>>> Bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
>>>>>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/bacula-users

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