Thank you Josh and Radosław for your additional responses.

But in this case (for a Failed job due to bacula machine crash), restart is the same as (re)run the job, right ?

And thus, I come back to my main question (from my initial post): how to properly free up the space written by the Failed job (more than 3TB) on the volumes in order to be reused ?
As a reminder, during this writing :
- the first used volume became Full (it already contained data correctly written by the previous successfully completed job) - and continued writing on another volume, before the machine crashed (this volume is now used for the restart job)

This is why (in a previous try) I did my tests with the purge command for this jobID (which presumably hadn't purged anything), and delete command this jobID which worked to remove this jobID informations in the catalog. But not to free up space written by this jobID on volumes.

In this case, what is the theoretical difference between purge and delete ?

I also wanted to use the Action On Purge = Truncate feature for both volumes before initiating the purge of this jobID, but since purge doesn't seem to do anything for this jobID, then I'm instead wondering if this feature (or another equivalent) would also work for the delete command (which it seemed to work in my previous try)?

Sorry if my questions are too basic, but I haven't really found a clear answer in the manuals for these points.

Have a good day,

Best regards


Le 03/09/2021 à 13:13, Radosław Korzeniewski a écrit :

pt., 3 wrz 2021 o 12:36 Josh Fisher < <>> napisał(a):

     Instead, the Bacula server machine itself crashed, so it cannot
    determine where to restart and did not retain any cached/spooled data.

Yes, exactly. I did miss this very important information in the original post. It changes everything!

But the other statements about (not) purging files and job info are still valid.

best regards
Radosław Korzeniewski <>

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Dan-Gabriel CALUGARU
IR en Calcul Scientifique (CNRS)
Dr de Mathématiques et Applications

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