I have the next error:

Backup Incremental:

JobId 2480: Error: bsock.c:615 Read expected 267 got -261 from client:

JobId 2480: Fatal error: append.c:320 Network error reading from FD.
ERR=Input/output error
JobId 2480: Elapsed time=00:12:13, Transfer rate=29.10 M Bytes/second
JobId 2480: Error: lib/bsock.c:391 Write error sending 271 bytes to
Storage daemon: ERR=Input/output error
srvwin098-fd JobId 2480: Fatal error: filed/backup.c:912 Network send
error to SD. ERR=Input/output error

JobId 2480: Fatal error: filed/backup.c:912 Network send error to SD.
ERR=Input/output error

Error: lib/bsock.c:276 Socket has errors=1 on call to Storage

Elapsed time:           12 mins 33 secs

  Priority:               10
  FD Files Written:       1
  SD Files Written:       1
  FD Bytes Written:       21,764,374,528 (21.76 GB)
  SD Bytes Written:       21,333,672,138 (21.33 GB)
  Rate:                   28903.6 KB/s
  Software Compression:   2.0% 1.0:1
  Comm Line Compression:  79.1% 4.8:1

STatus FAIL.

But   Run  FULL

Error: lib/bsock.c:391 Write error sending 271 bytes to Storage
daemon: ERR=Input/output error

srvwin0000-098-fd JobId 2591: Fatal error: filed/backup.c:912 Network
send error to SD. ERR=Input/output error

Error: lib/bsock.c:276 Socket has errors=1 on call to Storage

SD termination status:  Incomplete job

Termination:            Backup failed -- Incomplete

srvlnxbacula-dir JobId 2591: Rescheduled Job
srvwin-098-job.2021-12-23_08.08.04_29 at 23-Dec-2021 08:33 to re-run
in 1800 seconds (23-Dec-2021 09:03).
srvlnxbacula-dir JobId 2591: Job srvwin-098-job.2021-12-23_08.08.04_29
waiting 1800 seconds for scheduled start time.


Running Jobs:
Console connected at 23-Dec-21 08:55
 JobId  Type Level     Files     Bytes  Name              Status
  2591  Back Full        350    39.02 G srvwin-098-job   is waiting
for its start time (23-Dec 09:03)

After 30min  (1800 secunds)

srvlnxbacula-dir JobId 2591: Restart Incomplete Backup JobId 2591,
srvlnxbacula-dir JobId 2591: Found 348 files from prior incomplete Job.
srvlnxbacula-dir JobId 2591: Using Device "DRIVE0" to write.
srvlnxbacula-dir JobId 2591: Sending Accurate information to the FD.
 JobId 2591: Generate VSS snapshots. Driver="Win64 VSS"
 JobId 2591:     Snapshot mount point: C:\
JobId 2591:     Snapshot mount point: D:\

on the 3rd rescheduled the JOB could be completed without problems

Resumen:  Incremental FAIL.

FULL OK  after  variuos rescheduled.

Bacula 11.0.5

Agent: 11.0.5 (03Jun21) Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Standard Edition
(build 9200), 64-bit,Cross-compile,Win64

Debian 10.

#   Sistema Operativo: Debian      #
#        Caracas, Venezuela          #
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