
  I'm having a strange problem.  I have a bacula setup with a tape library and 3 drives.  Backups on one of the drives are not working.  No error message, the jobs just queue up and then don't run.  They don't seem to select a volume.  The problem is with my tape labelled LTO-5-1.  Here is the status output:

tape-lib-sd Version: 9.6.6 (20 September 2020) x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ubuntu 20.04
Daemon started 06-Jul-22 11:54. Jobs: run=73, running=11.
 Heap: heap=237,568 smbytes=2,637,125 max_bytes=5,625,790 bufs=671 max_bufs=1,694
 Sizes: boffset_t=8 size_t=8 int32_t=4 int64_t=8 mode=0,0 newbsr=0
 Res: ndevices=3 nautochgr=1

Running Jobs:
Writing: Incremental Backup job webc-T JobId=22099 Volume=""
    pool="Inc-Pool-Tape" device="LTO-5-1" (/dev/nst1)
    spooling=0 despooling=0 despool_wait=0
    Files=0 Bytes=0 AveBytes/sec=0 LastBytes/sec=0
    FDReadSeqNo=6 in_msg=6 out_msg=5 fd=22
Writing: Incremental Backup job easyredmine JobId=22101 Volume=""
    pool="Inc-Pool-Tape" device="LTO-5-1" (/dev/nst1)
    spooling=0 despooling=0 despool_wait=0
    Files=0 Bytes=0 AveBytes/sec=0 LastBytes/sec=0
    FDReadSeqNo=6 in_msg=6 out_msg=5 fd=11
Writing: Incremental Backup job webc9 JobId=22100 Volume=""
    pool="Inc-Pool-Tape" device="LTO-5-1" (/dev/nst1)
    spooling=0 despooling=0 despool_wait=0
    Files=0 Bytes=0 AveBytes/sec=0 LastBytes/sec=0
    FDReadSeqNo=6 in_msg=6 out_msg=5 fd=12
Writing: Incremental Backup job gitea JobId=22103 Volume=""
    pool="Inc-Pool-Tape" device="LTO-5-1" (/dev/nst1)
    spooling=0 despooling=0 despool_wait=0
 Writing: Incremental Backup job webc7 JobId=22102 Volume=""
    pool="Inc-Pool-Tape" device="LTO-5-1" (/dev/nst1)
    spooling=0 despooling=0 despool_wait=0
    Files=0 Bytes=0 AveBytes/sec=0 LastBytes/sec=0
    FDReadSeqNo=6 in_msg=6 out_msg=5 fd=24
Writing: Incremental Backup job webc6 JobId=22104 Volume=""
    pool="Inc-Pool-Tape" device="LTO-5-1" (/dev/nst1)
    spooling=0 despooling=0 despool_wait=0
    Files=0 Bytes=0 AveBytes/sec=0 LastBytes/sec=0
    FDReadSeqNo=6 in_msg=6 out_msg=5 fd=17
Writing: Incremental Backup job webc5 JobId=22105 Volume=""
    pool="Inc-Pool-Tape" device="LTO-5-1" (/dev/nst1)
    spooling=0 despooling=0 despool_wait=0
    Files=0 Bytes=0 AveBytes/sec=0 LastBytes/sec=0
    FDReadSeqNo=6 in_msg=6 out_msg=5 fd=23
Writing: Incremental Backup job webc4 JobId=22106 Volume=""
    pool="Inc-Pool-Tape" device="LTO-5-1" (/dev/nst1)
    spooling=0 despooling=0 despool_wait=0
    Files=0 Bytes=0 AveBytes/sec=0 LastBytes/sec=0
    FDReadSeqNo=6 in_msg=6 out_msg=5 fd=19
Writing: Incremental Backup job webc3 JobId=22107 Volume=""
    pool="Inc-Pool-Tape" device="LTO-5-1" (/dev/nst1)
    spooling=0 despooling=0 despool_wait=0
    Files=0 Bytes=0 AveBytes/sec=0 LastBytes/sec=0
    FDReadSeqNo=6 in_msg=6 out_msg=5 fd=21
Writing: Incremental Backup job webc2 JobId=22108 Volume=""
    pool="Inc-Pool-Tape" device="LTO-5-1" (/dev/nst1)
    spooling=0 despooling=0 despool_wait=0
    Files=0 Bytes=0 AveBytes/sec=0 LastBytes/sec=0
    FDReadSeqNo=6 in_msg=6 out_msg=5 fd=25
Writing: Incremental Backup job postgres114 JobId=22109 Volume=""
    pool="Inc-Pool-Tape" device="LTO-5-1" (/dev/nst1)
    spooling=0 despooling=0 despool_wait=0
    Files=0 Bytes=0 AveBytes/sec=0 LastBytes/sec=0
    FDReadSeqNo=6 in_msg=6 out_msg=5 fd=27
 Jobs waiting to reserve a drive:

Terminated Jobs:
 JobId  Level    Files      Bytes   Status   Finished        Name
 21924  Incr          0         0   Cancel   17-Jul-22 16:41 x
 21927  Incr          0         0   Cancel   17-Jul-22 16:41 x
 21920  Incr          0         0   Cancel   17-Jul-22 16:41 x
 21930  Incr          0         0   Cancel   17-Jul-22 16:41 x
 21931  Incr          0         0   Cancel   17-Jul-22 16:41 x
 21926  Incr          0         0   Cancel   17-Jul-22 16:41 x
 21928  Incr          0         0   Cancel   17-Jul-22 16:41 x
 22096  Incr          0         0   Cancel   17-Jul-22 17:03 x
 22097  Incr          0         0   Cancel   17-Jul-22 17:17 x
 22098  Incr          0         0   Cancel   17-Jul-22 17:17 x

Device status:
Autochanger "Autochanger" with devices:
   "LTO-5-1" (/dev/nst1)
   "LTO-6-1" (/dev/nst0)
   "LTO-6-2" (/dev/nst2)

Device Tape: "LTO-5-1" (/dev/nst1) is not open.
   Device is being initialized.
   Drive 0 is not loaded.

Device Tape is "LTO-6-1" (/dev/nst0) mounted with:
    Volume:      27L6
    Pool:        Full-Pool-Tape-LTO6
    Media type:  LTO-6
    Total Bytes=1,131,097,734,144 Blocks=17,533,136 Bytes/block=64,512
    Positioned at File=1,138 Block=0
   Slot 24 is loaded in drive 1.

Device Tape: "LTO-6-2" (/dev/nst2) is not open.
   Drive 2 is not loaded.
Used Volume status:
Reserved volume: 000002L5 on Tape device "LTO-5-1" (/dev/nst1)
    Reader=0 writers=0 reserves=11 volinuse=1 worm=0
Reserved volume: 27L6 on Tape device "LTO-6-1" (/dev/nst0)
    Reader=0 writers=0 reserves=0 volinuse=0 worm=0


  Another strange thing is that despite what the status says, there are volumes loaded (from mtx):

Storage Changer /dev/changer:3 Drives, 47 Slots ( 3 Import/Export )
Data Transfer Element 0:Full (Storage Element 11 Loaded):VolumeTag = 000011L5 Data Transfer Element 1:Full (Storage Element 24 Loaded):VolumeTag = 000027L6
Data Transfer Element 2:Empty

0 is LTO5-1, 1 is LTO-6-1 and 2 is LTO-6-2.

I ran a test with btape and it's able to write to LTO5-1, so I'm guessing that the issue is pool related?

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