OK, I figured this out (I hope) from the document 
https://www.bacula.org/13.0.x-manuals/en/main/Brief_Tutorial.html -- 
though that document has the bacula components in a completely different 

This looks like a bug either in the apt install scripts (fail to start 
bacula-sd) or the Community Installation Guide (does not document 
checking on daemon status and restarting if they are not running).

Here's what the documentation could cover:

Check to see if all daemons are running:

root@bacula:/opt/bacula/scripts# ./bacula status
bacula-sd is stopped
bacula-fd (pid 442) is running...
bacula-dir (pid 609) is running...

If not, restart:

root@bacula:/opt/bacula/scripts# ./bacula restart
Stopping the Bacula Enterprise File daemon
Stopping the Bacula Enterprise Storage daemon
Stopping the Bacula Enterprise Director daemon
Starting the Bacula Enterprise Storage daemon
Starting the Bacula Enterprise File daemon
Starting the Bacula Enterprise Director daemon


root@bacula:/opt/bacula/scripts# ./bacula status
bacula-sd (pid 1685) is running...
bacula-fd (pid 1692) is running...
bacula-dir (pid 1699) is running...

This seems to do the trick; I've already been able to complete other 
intro sections (simple test backup and restore).


On 7/29/22 15:00, dwight wrote:
> A couple things to add:
>   * First, how long does it take a post to the mailing list to be sent 
> out and/or stored on the list archives? It's been just about two hours 
> and I haven't seen it yet.
>   * I'm not using any tape drives (this is an evaluation setup). At 
> this time I simply want to store backups on the local drive (same 
> drive/logical_volume/partition as the OS).
>   * User and group related to bacula:
>     root@bacula:/opt/bacula/bin# grep bac /etc/passwd
>     backup:x:34:34:backup:/var/backups:/usr/sbin/nologin
>     bacula:x:116:123:Bacula:/opt/bacula:/bin/bash
>     root@bacula:/opt/bacula/bin# grep bac /etc/group
>     tape:x:26:bacula
>     backup:x:34:
>     bacula:x:123:
> On 7/29/22 12:52, dwight wrote:
>> I'm looking into Bacula 13.0.0 as a backup solution for our 
>> organization. I'm following the installation instructions found in 
>> the Debian section of the Bacula Community Installation Guide 
>> (www.bacula.org/whitepapers/CommunityInstallationGuide.pdf), but they 
>> seem to be incomplete. In particular, it appears that the storage 
>> daemon is not started.
>> All bacula components are version 13.0.0 and running locally. The 
>> platform is freshly installed Debian Buster and its default version 
>> of PostgreSQL (more platform information at bottom of this message).
>> The installation went fine until the infrastructure test (Section 9). 
>> The 'bconsole' command worked, but not the commands within it. I 
>> tried it three times. Each time the BackupCatalog job was queued 
>> rather than executed. In the first try, the 'message' output was much 
>> shorter than what's shown in the Installation Guide (I can't recreate 
>> it, sorry). On the second try, 'message' produced no output. Output 
>> from the third try is below.
>> Is this a Bacula bug? A documentation bug? A platform bug?
>> And of course, how do I get around the problem, and get Bacula working?
>>   --Dwight Tuinstra
>> ################################
>> ##### Session 3 typescript #####
>> ################################
>> root@bacula:~# sudo -u bacula /opt/bacula/bin/bconsole
>> Connecting to Director bacula:9101
>> 1000 OK: 10002 bacula-dir Version: 13.0.0 (04 July 2022)
>> Enter a period to cancel a command.
>> *run job=BackupCatalog
>> Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
>> Run Backup job
>> JobName:  BackupCatalog
>> Level:    Full
>> Client:   bacula-fd
>> FileSet:  Catalog
>> Pool:     File (From Job resource)
>> Storage:  File1 (From Job resource)
>> When:     2022-07-29 12:31:47
>> Priority: 11
>> OK to run? (yes/mod/no): yes
>> Job queued. JobId=3
>> You have messages.
>> *messages
>> 29-Jul 11:39 bacula-dir JobId 1: Warning: bsockcore.c:258 Could not 
>> connect to Storage Daemon "File1" on bacula:9103. ERR=Connection refused
>> Retrying ...
>> 29-Jul 11:44 bacula-dir JobId 1: Warning: bsockcore.c:258 Could not 
>> connect to Storage Daemon "File1" on bacula:9103. ERR=Connection refused
>> Retrying ...
>> 29-Jul 11:50 bacula-dir JobId 1: Warning: bsockcore.c:258 Could not 
>> connect to Storage Daemon "File1" on bacula:9103. ERR=Connection refused
>> Retrying ...
>> 29-Jul 11:55 bacula-dir JobId 1: Warning: bsockcore.c:258 Could not 
>> connect to Storage Daemon "File1" on bacula:9103. ERR=Connection refused
>> Retrying ...
>> 29-Jul 12:00 bacula-dir JobId 1: Warning: bsockcore.c:258 Could not 
>> connect to Storage Daemon "File1" on bacula:9103. ERR=Connection refused
>> Retrying ...
>> 29-Jul 12:05 bacula-dir JobId 1: Warning: bsockcore.c:258 Could not 
>> connect to Storage Daemon "File1" on bacula:9103. ERR=Connection refused
>> Retrying ...
>> 29-Jul 12:09 bacula-dir JobId 1: Warning: bsockcore.c:265 Unable to 
>> connect to Storage Daemon "File1" on bacula:9103. ERR=Connection refused
>> 29-Jul 12:09 bacula-dir JobId 1: Fatal error: Failed to start job on 
>> any of the storages defined!
>> 29-Jul 12:10 bacula-dir JobId 1: Fatal error: No Job status returned 
>> from FD.
>> 29-Jul 12:10 bacula-dir JobId 1: Error: Bacula Enterprise bacula-dir 
>> 13.0.0 (04Jul22):
>>   Build OS:               x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-bacula-enterprise 
>> debian 11.2
>>   JobId:                  1
>>   Job:                    BackupCatalog.2022-07-29_11.39.27_03
>>   Backup Level:           Full
>>   Client:                 "bacula-fd"
>>   FileSet:                "Catalog" 2022-07-29 11:39:27
>>   Pool:                   "File" (From Job resource)
>>   Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
>>   Storage:                "File1" (From Job resource)
>>   Scheduled time:         29-Jul-2022 11:39:18
>>   Start time:             29-Jul-2022 11:39:30
>>   End time:               29-Jul-2022 12:10:00
>>   Elapsed time:           30 mins 30 secs
>>   Priority:               11
>>   FD Files Written:       0
>>   SD Files Written:       0
>>   FD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
>>   SD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
>>   Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
>>   Software Compression:   None
>>   Comm Line Compression:  None
>>   Snapshot/VSS:           no
>>   Encryption:             no
>>   Accurate:               no
>>   Volume name(s):
>>   Volume Session Id:      0
>>   Volume Session Time:    0
>>   Last Volume Bytes:      0 (0 B)
>>   Non-fatal FD errors:    1
>>   SD Errors:              0
>>   FD termination status:  Error
>>   SD termination status:
>>   Termination:            *** Backup Error ***
>> 29-Jul 12:10 bacula-dir JobId 2: shell command: run BeforeJob 
>> "/opt/bacula/scripts/make_catalog_backup.pl MyCatalog"
>> 29-Jul 12:10 bacula-dir JobId 2: Start Backup JobId 2, 
>> Job=BackupCatalog.2022-07-29_11.58.29_05
>> 29-Jul 12:31 bacula-dir JobId 3: shell command: run BeforeJob 
>> "/opt/bacula/scripts/make_catalog_backup.pl MyCatalog"
>> 29-Jul 12:31 bacula-dir JobId 3: Start Backup JobId 3, 
>> Job=BackupCatalog.2022-07-29_12.31.50_03
>> *status dir
>> bacula-dir Version: 13.0.0 (04 July 2022) 
>> x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-bacula-enterprise debian 11.2
>> Daemon started 29-Jul-22 12:29, conf reloaded 29-Jul-2022 12:29:47
>>  Jobs: run=0, running=1 mode=0,0
>>  Crypto: fips=N/A crypto=OpenSSL 1.1.1k  25 Mar 2021
>>  Heap: heap=278,528 smbytes=407,185 max_bytes=407,371 bufs=440 
>> max_bufs=442
>>  Res: njobs=3 nclients=1 nstores=2 npools=3 ncats=1 nfsets=2 nscheds=2
>> Scheduled Jobs:
>> Level          Type     Pri  Scheduled          Job Name Volume
>> ===================================================================================
>> Incremental    Backup    10  29-Jul-22 23:05    BackupClient1 *unknown*
>> Full           Backup    11  29-Jul-22 23:10    BackupCatalog *unknown*
>> ====
>> Running Jobs:
>> Console connected using TLS at 29-Jul-22 12:31
>>  JobId  Type Level     Files     Bytes  Name              Status
>> ======================================================================
>>      3  Back Full          0         0  BackupCatalog     is waiting 
>> on Storage "File1"
>> ====
>> Terminated Jobs:
>>  JobId  Level     Files      Bytes   Status   Finished Name
>> ====================================================================
>>      1  Full           0         0   Error    29-Jul-22 12:10 
>> BackupCatalog
>> ====
>> *quit
>> root@bacula:~#
>> #########################
>> ##### Platform info #####
>> #########################
>> root@bacula:~# uname -a
>> Linux bacula 5.10.0-16-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.127-2 (2022-07-23) 
>> x86_64 GNU/Linux
>> root@bacula:~# cat /etc/os-release
>> PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)"
>> NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
>> VERSION_ID="11"
>> VERSION="11 (bullseye)"
>> ID=debian
>> HOME_URL="https://www.debian.org/";
>> SUPPORT_URL="https://www.debian.org/support";
>> BUG_REPORT_URL="https://bugs.debian.org/";
>> root@bacula:~# /usr/lib/postgresql/13/bin/postgres --version
>> postgres (PostgreSQL) 13.7 (Debian 13.7-0+deb11u1)
>> root@bacula:~# /usr/lib/postgresql/13/bin/psql --version
>> psql (PostgreSQL) 13.7 (Debian 13.7-0+deb11u1)
>> root@bacula:~# systemctl list-units | grep sql
>>   postgresql.service                                loaded active 
>> exited    PostgreSQL RDBMS
>>   postgresql@13-main.service                        loaded active 
>> running   PostgreSQL Cluster 13-main
>>   system-postgresql.slice                           loaded active 
>> active    system-postgresql.slice
>> root@bacula:~# systemctl list-units | grep bacula
>>   bacula-dir.service                                loaded active 
>> running   Bacula Director Daemon service
>>   bacula-fd.service                                 loaded active 
>> running   Bacula File Daemon service
>>   dev-mapper-bacula\x2d\x2dvg\x2dswap_1.swap        loaded active 
>> active    /dev/mapper/bacula--vg-swap_1
>> root@bacula:~# iptables --list
>> Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
>> target     prot opt source               destination
>> Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
>> target     prot opt source               destination
>> Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
>> target     prot opt source               destination

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