One problem I ignored so far is that the Bacula Docker container I use 
(pwa666/bacula-server:11-postgresql-latest) cannot send emails to me.

bsmtp only seems to use the output of the “hostname” command as the hostname 
during the negotiation phase. this hostname is some arbitrary ID, not a FQDN. 

3422f1072002 --> HELO 3422f1072002

Setting the hostname fails in the container (but thats something to talk about 
to the container maintainer).

my mailserver complains when the hostname used during negotiation is not a FQDN.

bsmtp: bsmtp.c:124-0 Fatal malformed reply from 504 5.5.2 
<3422f1072002>: Helo command rejected: need fully-qualified hostname

I did not find a bsmtp option to override the hostname for smtp client. such an 
option might be useful.

But my mailserver also requires the sending mail user to authenticate and from 
what I have seen in the documentation bsmtp cannot do that, correct?

So I would have to use some other smtp client like “mail”? (which is not in the 
container, again a problem to clarify elsewhere)


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