>>>>> On Wed, 21 Sep 2022 17:56:53 +0100, Adam Weremczuk said:
> Hi all,
> I'm running a very old Bacula 5.2.6 writing to equally old LTO-4 tapes 
> (pre-LTFS). Data is unencrypted.
> In the past I've successfully tested restoring outside "bconsole" with 
> "bextract" (.bsr files available) or "bls" followed by "bextract" (.bsr 
> files missing).
> This was all done on the box where Bacula runs from so it's not clear to 
> me whether "bextract" and "bls" consulted local Bacula database (MySQL) 
> or any customised local configuration files. My guess is they didn't.

They consult the bacula-sd.conf for info on the Device settings, so you should
keep a copy of that somewhere.

> So - if the Bacula box dies but I have the drive and tapes - will I be 
> able to access all data on tapes by connecting the drive to a new box 
> followed by "bextract" and "bls" commands alone?

Yes, that should work.


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