Occasionally I see cloud backup errors of the general form below (copy/pasted 
from Baculum job log so a few lines are out of order) where the part.x upload 
errors. This will happen maybe 1 in 10 times. The backup will terminate with 
error or sometimes with OK and warnings. A restore runs OK but because I do not 
expire the local cache, the restore is I think coming from local cache and not 
the cloud storage. I don't see much network in traffic during the restore so it 
seems that's the case. I can use the bconsole cloud upload command to manually 
upload the failed volume and this invariably works.

My question is, is the cloud backup data good after this upload or is there 
some way to verify it? This won't be an issue until the cache disk needs 
replacing but when that happens, I'd like to know that the cloud data is good.

2022-11-18 01:17:54 raspberrypi-dir JobId 1031: End auto prune.
2022-11-18 01:17:54 raspberrypi-dir JobId 1031: Pruned Files from 1 Jobs for 
client pi-fd from catalog.
2022-11-18 01:17:54 raspberrypi-dir JobId 1031: Begin pruning Files.
2022-11-18 01:17:54 raspberrypi-dir JobId 1031: No Jobs found to prune.
2022-11-18 01:17:54 raspberrypi-dir JobId 1031: Begin pruning Jobs older than 1 
day .
2022-11-18 01:17:54 raspberrypi-dir JobId 1031: Bacula raspberrypi-dir 11.0.6 
  Build OS:               aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu debian 11.3
  JobId:                  1031
  Job:                    pi 
  Backup Level:           Incremental, since=2022-11-17 01:15:03
  Client:                 "pi-fd 
<http://kinsham.ddnsfree.com:7130/web/client/pi-fd>" 11.0.6 (10Mar22) 
  FileSet:                "pi 
<http://kinsham.ddnsfree.com:7130/web/fileset/pi>" 2022-10-30 23:29:03
  Pool:                   "pi-incr 
<http://kinsham.ddnsfree.com:7130/web/pool/pi-incr>" (From Job IncPool override)
  Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Pool resource)
  Storage:                "cloud-sd 
<http://kinsham.ddnsfree.com:7130/web/storage/cloud-sd>" (From Pool resource)
  Scheduled time:         18-Nov-2022 01:15:00
  Start time:             18-Nov-2022 01:15:02
  End time:               18-Nov-2022 01:17:54
  Elapsed time:           2 mins 52 secs
  Priority:               10
  FD Files Written:       1,225
  SD Files Written:       1,225
  FD Bytes Written:       637,589,362 (637.5 MB)
  SD Bytes Written:       637,765,966 (637.7 MB)
  Rate:                   3706.9 KB/s
  Software Compression:   60.2% 2.5:1
  Comm Line Compression:  5.1% 1.1:1
  Snapshot/VSS:           no
  Encryption:             no
  Accurate:               no
  Volume name(s):         pi-incr0668 
  Volume Session Id:      78
  Volume Session Time:    1667943458
  Last Volume Bytes:      9,457,928 (9.457 MB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:    0
  SD Errors:              1
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Backup OK -- Upload to Cloud failed
2022-11-18 01:17:54 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: Sending spooled attrs to the 
Director. Despooling 299,382 bytes ...
2022-11-18 01:17:54 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: pi-incr0635/part.2     
state=done    size=9.457 MB duration=5s
2022-11-18 01:17:54 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: pi-incr0635/part.1     
state=done    size=240 B duration=2s
2022-11-18 01:17:54 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: pi-incr0634/part.2     
state=done    size=104.8 MB duration=38s
2022-11-18 01:17:49 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: pi-incr0634/part.1     
state=done    size=240 B duration=5s
2022-11-18 01:17:49 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: Error: pi-incr0672/part.2     
state=error   size=104.8 MB duration=52s msg=S3_put_object ERR=InternalError 
CURL Effective URL: 
https://s3.eu-central-003.backblazeb2.com/bacula01/pi-incr0672/part.2 CURL 
Effective URL: 
2022-11-18 01:17:38 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: pi-incr0671/part.2     
state=done    size=104.8 MB duration=49s
2022-11-18 01:17:10 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: pi-incr0671/part.1     
state=done    size=240 B duration=1s
2022-11-18 01:17:10 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: pi-incr0670/part.2     
state=done    size=104.8 MB duration=56s
2022-11-18 01:16:55 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: pi-incr0670/part.1     
state=done    size=240 B duration=2s
2022-11-18 01:16:55 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: pi-incr0669/part.2     
state=done    size=104.8 MB duration=48s
2022-11-18 01:16:48 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: pi-incr0669/part.1     
state=done    size=240 B duration=6s
2022-11-18 01:16:48 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: pi-incr0668/part.2     
state=done    size=104.8 MB duration=42s
2022-11-18 01:16:06 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: pi-incr0668/part.1     
state=done    size=240 B duration=0s
2022-11-18 01:16:06 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: Cloud Upload transfers:
2022-11-18 01:16:06 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: pi-incr0635/part.1     
state=done    size=240 B duration=1s
2022-11-18 01:16:06 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: pi-incr0634/part.1     
state=done    size=240 B duration=0s
2022-11-18 01:16:06 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: pi-incr0672/part.1     
state=done    size=240 B duration=0s
2022-11-18 01:16:06 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: pi-incr0671/part.1     
state=done    size=240 B duration=0s
2022-11-18 01:16:06 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: pi-incr0670/part.1     
state=done    size=240 B duration=0s
2022-11-18 01:16:06 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: pi-incr0669/part.1     
state=done    size=240 B duration=0s
2022-11-18 01:16:06 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: pi-incr0668/part.1     
state=done    size=240 B duration=0s
2022-11-18 01:16:06 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: Cloud Download transfers:
2022-11-18 01:16:05 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: Elapsed time=00:00:48, Transfer 
rate=13.28 M Bytes/second
2022-11-18 01:16:05 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: New volume "pi-incr0635" mounted 
on device "B2Bucket" (/mnt/usb16tb/cache) at 18-Nov-2022 01:16.
2022-11-18 01:16:05 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: Recycled volume "pi-incr0635" on 
Cloud device "B2Bucket" (/mnt/usb16tb/cache), all previous data lost.
2022-11-18 01:16:02 raspberrypi-dir JobId 1031: Recycled volume "pi-incr0635"
2022-11-18 01:16:02 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: End of medium on Volume 
"pi-incr0634" Bytes=104,832,236 Blocks=1,625 at 18-Nov-2022 01:16.
2022-11-18 01:15:58 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: New volume "pi-incr0634" mounted 
on device "B2Bucket" (/mnt/usb16tb/cache) at 18-Nov-2022 01:15.
2022-11-18 01:15:57 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: Recycled volume "pi-incr0634" on 
Cloud device "B2Bucket" (/mnt/usb16tb/cache), all previous data lost.
2022-11-18 01:15:57 raspberrypi-dir JobId 1031: Recycled volume "pi-incr0634"
2022-11-18 01:15:57 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: End of medium on Volume 
"pi-incr0672" Bytes=104,832,236 Blocks=1,625 at 18-Nov-2022 01:15.
2022-11-18 01:15:43 raspberrypi-fd JobId 1031:      /boot is a different 
filesystem. Will not descend from / into it.
2022-11-18 01:15:43 raspberrypi-fd JobId 1031:      /dev is a different 
filesystem. Will not descend from / into it.
2022-11-18 01:15:43 raspberrypi-fd JobId 1031:      /mnt/usb16tb is a different 
filesystem. Will not descend from / into it.
2022-11-18 01:15:43 raspberrypi-fd JobId 1031:      /run is a different 
filesystem. Will not descend from / into it.
2022-11-18 01:15:43 raspberrypi-fd JobId 1031:      /sys is a different 
filesystem. Will not descend from / into it.
2022-11-18 01:15:43 raspberrypi-fd JobId 1031:      /proc is a different 
filesystem. Will not descend from / into it.
2022-11-18 01:15:42 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: New volume "pi-incr0672" mounted 
on device "B2Bucket" (/mnt/usb16tb/cache) at 18-Nov-2022 01:15.
2022-11-18 01:15:42 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: Recycled volume "pi-incr0672" on 
Cloud device "B2Bucket" (/mnt/usb16tb/cache), all previous data lost.
2022-11-18 01:15:41 raspberrypi-fd JobId 1031:      
 is a different filesystem. Will not descend from / into it.
2022-11-18 01:15:41 raspberrypi-fd JobId 1031:      
 is a different filesystem. Will not descend from / into it.
2022-11-18 01:15:41 raspberrypi-fd JobId 1031:      
 is a different filesystem. Will not descend from / into it.
2022-11-18 01:15:41 raspberrypi-fd JobId 1031:      
 is a different filesystem. Will not descend from / into it.
2022-11-18 01:15:40 raspberrypi-dir JobId 1031: Recycled volume "pi-incr0672"
2022-11-18 01:15:40 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: End of medium on Volume 
"pi-incr0671" Bytes=104,832,225 Blocks=1,625 at 18-Nov-2022 01:15.
2022-11-18 01:15:33 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: New volume "pi-incr0671" mounted 
on device "B2Bucket" (/mnt/usb16tb/cache) at 18-Nov-2022 01:15.
2022-11-18 01:15:33 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: Recycled volume "pi-incr0671" on 
Cloud device "B2Bucket" (/mnt/usb16tb/cache), all previous data lost.
2022-11-18 01:15:32 raspberrypi-dir JobId 1031: Recycled volume "pi-incr0671"
2022-11-18 01:15:32 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: End of medium on Volume 
"pi-incr0670" Bytes=104,832,226 Blocks=1,625 at 18-Nov-2022 01:15.
2022-11-18 01:15:27 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: New volume "pi-incr0670" mounted 
on device "B2Bucket" (/mnt/usb16tb/cache) at 18-Nov-2022 01:15.
2022-11-18 01:15:27 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: Recycled volume "pi-incr0670" on 
Cloud device "B2Bucket" (/mnt/usb16tb/cache), all previous data lost.
2022-11-18 01:15:24 raspberrypi-dir JobId 1031: Recycled volume "pi-incr0670"
2022-11-18 01:15:24 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: End of medium on Volume 
"pi-incr0669" Bytes=104,832,225 Blocks=1,625 at 18-Nov-2022 01:15.
2022-11-18 01:15:10 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: New volume "pi-incr0669" mounted 
on device "B2Bucket" (/mnt/usb16tb/cache) at 18-Nov-2022 01:15.
2022-11-18 01:15:10 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: Recycled volume "pi-incr0669" on 
Cloud device "B2Bucket" (/mnt/usb16tb/cache), all previous data lost.
2022-11-18 01:15:07 raspberrypi-dir JobId 1031: Recycled volume "pi-incr0669"
2022-11-18 01:15:07 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: End of medium on Volume 
"pi-incr0668" Bytes=104,832,236 Blocks=1,625 at 18-Nov-2022 01:15.
2022-11-18 01:15:04 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: Using S3 cloud driver 
Host=s3.eu-central-003.backblazeb2.com Bucket=bacula01
2022-11-18 01:15:04 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: Recycled volume "pi-incr0668" on 
Cloud device "B2Bucket" (/mnt/usb16tb/cache), all previous data lost.
2022-11-18 01:15:02 raspberrypi-dir JobId 1031: Using Device "B2Bucket" to 
2022-11-18 01:15:02 raspberrypi-dir JobId 1031: Recycled volume "pi-incr0668"
2022-11-18 01:15:02 raspberrypi-dir JobId 1031: Max configured use 
duration=50,400 sec. exceeded. Marking Volume "pi-incr0667" as Used.
2022-11-18 01:15:02 raspberrypi-dir JobId 1031: Start Backup JobId 1031, 
2022-11-18 01:17:38 raspberrypi-sd JobId 1031: pi-incr0672/part.1     
state=done    size=240 B duration=0s
The SD conf is (Backblaze B2):

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cat /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf
Director {
  Name = "raspberrypi-dir"
  Password = xx

Storage {
  Name = "raspberrypi-sd"
  SdAddress = zz
  WorkingDirectory = "/var/lib/bacula"
  PidDirectory = "/var/run/bacula"
  PluginDirectory = "/usr/lib"
  MaximumConcurrentJobs = 2
  HeartbeatInterval = 300

Device {
  Name = "B2Bucket"
  MediaType = "Cloud"
  DeviceType = "Cloud"
  ArchiveDevice = "/mnt/usb16tb/cache"
  RemovableMedia = no
  RandomAccess = yes
  AutomaticMount = yes
  LabelMedia = yes
  AlwaysOpen = yes
  MaximumPartSize = 500000000
  Cloud = "B2"

Messages {
  Name = "Standard"
  Director = raspberrypi-dir = All

Cloud {
  Name = "B2"
  Driver = "S3"
  HostName = "s3.eu-central-003.backblazeb2.com"
  BucketName = xx
  Region = "eu-central-003"
  AccessKey = xx
  SecretKey = yy
  Protocol = "HTTPS"
  UriStyle = "Path"
  TruncateCache = “No”  #keep the cache
  Upload = "AtEndOfJob"
  MaximumUploadBandwidth = 10000000

Regards Chris Wilkinson 
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