
I have this error while reading a volume for virtualfull consolidating job

Error: block_util.c:521 Volume data error at 0:0!
Block checksum mismatch in block=11755301 len=64512: calc=dfb5486f 

It seems the volume file is definitively corrupted,  nothing is possible for 
this block I think . ( The error occurs twice for the same job at the same 

But ,
is this possible to continue reading the volume by bypassing or "marking" the 
error and proceed with consolidating the remaining data?
Can we blacklist the block in error (along with the corresponding files) to 
complete the consolidation job, even if the result will be an incomplete 
Or Bacula definitively kill the job in error. I don't recall seeing an option 
to bypass I/O errors .

What to do in such kind of hardware I/O problems.

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