Mandi! Arno Lehmann
  In chel di` si favelave...

> I have not looked up the discussion leading here.

See my previous post: i'm fighting with ZFS. ;-)

> What I usually prefer is a combination of a Run Script on the client to 
> create a file list to back up, and a File= entry in the include list 
> that reads from file or program, i.e. "\|" or "\<" ones.

OK, effectively i've just to run a script on the client to snapshot the FS
and mount it RO, so it make sense to do that.

A question, indeed: normally if i modify fileset, bacula 'reset' itself and
restart doing a Full backup.
If i manage to get files from script or file, what happen?

Or it is still the 'fileset change' the trigger, so scripts can make all the
dumbest things, but bacula keep going on incrementals?
Also, if my script mount on '/some/dirs-202040926' and pass this as a backup
dir for a full, but tomorrow script mount '/some/dirs-202040927' and calls
for an incremental on that, i think will make still a new full...

Seems to me there's no (easy) escape, and i need to mount snapshots on the
same mountpoint to have working incrementals...



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