Mandi! Josip Deanovic via Bacula-users
  In chel di` si favelave...

>> Bacula will just do it.  Nothing special required.

> This statement might be misleading in this particular case Marco
> described.

> Bacula will be able to run incremental backup but if the mountpoint is
> changing every time backup is running, the content of the mountpoint
> directory would be fully copied over and over again, thus, taking more
> space compared to the incremental backup of the same directory.

Yes, i'm speaking exactly about that. If snapshot get (auto)mounted with a
different path, i can surely define a fileset with a script that consider
the different path, but... fils are not the same, because are rooted on
different path!

Initially i supposed Bacula will have some 'ignore prefix' parameters that
will permit that, but this is available only on restore, not backup. For
backup, data have to be 'rooted' (mounted) on the same path...

> As I said in some post, it might be avoided by using bind-mount option
> of the mount(8).

I need to start some experimentation...


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