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Betreff: [NetworkedLabour] How Soviet Artists Imagined Communist Life in Space
Datum:  Sat, 6 Aug 2016 22:20:02 +0200
Von:    Orsan <orsan1...@gmail.com>
An: networkedlab...@lists.contrast.org, p2p-foundat...@lists.ourproject.org

 How Soviet Artists Imagined Communist Life in Space


RETRO FUTURE <http://io9.gizmodo.com/tag/retro-future>
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Artists from the Soviet Union didn't just imagine a worker's Utopia on Earth. They also thought that the great communist experiment would eventually reach other worlds, too. Here are some incredible works of art and conceptual design that put the Soviet Union in space.

     Station Moon, a Soviet children's book by Pavel Klushantsev, 1965
     and 1974

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