In 1960, she began studying chimpanzees, notebook in hand­a long way from today's computers and satellites. Jane Goodall reflects on 50 years of primate research, and the cast of characters she grew to love. I remember them all so, so well. Goliath, who lost his alpha position when Mike, using his superior intelligence, learned to enhance his dominance displays by hitting and kicking empty four-gallon tin cans ahead of him. William, the clown, who once stole a blanket, dragged it up the hillside, then draped it over his head and felt around him like a child who has been blindfolded.

Is it really 50 years ago that I stepped ashore, for the first of who knows how many hundreds of times, onto the sandy beach of Gombe Stream Chimpanzee Reserve, now Gombe National Park? Has half a century passed since I saw, for the first time, a wild chimpanzee feeding high in a palm tree? It seems almost impossible to believe.


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