Quote: "For the last year he and his brother have been announcing deals almost as often as they have released films, arranging for theatrical, cable television, pay-per-view, video on demand and video-store distribution of their movies. They've invested in a MySpace-style social networking site for the rich and famous called aSmallWorld.net, made a new publishing deal with Hachette Book Group, bought the tiny arts channel Ovation, set up a Latin American film distribution fund and partnered with Robert Johnson, the founder of Black Entertainment Television, to make movies under a new urban label, Our Stories Films." <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/07/movies/awardsseason/07halb.html?_r=1&oref=slogin>Link

Posted by johannes to <http://www.monochrom.at/english/2007/01/harvey-weinstein-sun-tzu-of-oscar.htm>monochrom at 1/09/2007 02:37:00 PM
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