Hi, Sam,

At 10:09 PM 11/27/2004, you wrote:
>>Admittedly I'm being rather lazy and I was wondering if anyone might be able 
>>to help me regarding the Edict of Toleration allegedly signed in 1844, 
>>mentioned by William Sears. 
>>I was surprised to read Russ Williams' (a Christian attacking the Faith) 
>>comment that:
>>"this author has searched in over 40 encyclopedia sets and nearly 100 Jewish 
>>and Ottoman texts and did not find even one word about it."<<

To my understanding, Williams was substantially correct. There is no specific 
evidence of an edict of toleration, as Sears describes it, in 1844. The late 
William Sears personally told me that, if he had the time, he would entirely 
rewrite _Thief in the Night_.

>>"The Edict of Toleration. In that book and several others written by both 
>>Bahá’í and non-Bahá’í authors, that document was overrated. Now the good 
>>news. We discovered a new document--proclaimed and published in 1844--that is 
>>far more significant than the so-called "Edict of Toleration." We believe you 
>>should become familiar with this new document, which has remained unknown not 
>>only to the Bahá’í community but also to Jewish and Christian writers. "<<

Does the writer say why that is "good news"? 

Mark A. Foster * http://markfoster.net
"Sacred cows make the best hamburger" 
-- Mark Twain and Abbie Hoffman 

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