Hi, Patti,

At 11:07 PM 12/8/2004, you quoted from Schroder:
>>"If I had to assign chief blame for the ongoing struggle between science and 
>>religion and the resulting erosion of biblical credibility, it would be to 
>>the leaders or organized religion.  Since Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) had 
>>the audacity to suggest that the Sun, not Earth, was the center of our solar 
>>system, their knee-jerk reaction to any scientific discovery that impinges on 
>>our cosmic origins has been to deny its validity.  Only later, sometimes 
>>centuries later, do they bother to gather the facts."<<

If he is trying to compare ID (intelligent design) with heliocentrism, I doubt 
he will gain much sympathy from the majority of scientists. I used to teach a 
physical anthropology course called, Human Evolution and Prehistory, and I saw 
no evidence that most legitimate scientists are open to a new paradigm of human 
origins, especially one which is structured around little more than a 
renarration of the ontological fallacy.

>>Although, just by the name, it seems like something that is consistent with 
>>my Baha'i understanding.<<  

For what it's worth, I have no Baha'i understanding of biological origins. I do 
have a Baha'i understanding of evolutionary teleology, i.e., the purpose of 
human origins.

>>I  remember feeling a bit queasy when I realized that Gish and Anjam Kursheed 
>>sp? (a Baha'i physicist who published a book--"Science and Religion"--a few 
>>years back) were using one of the same sources to clarify/justify their 
>>understandings.  Frankly, I am not comfortable having anything in common with 
>>Gish; however, unfortunately there is at least a little tiny bit of common 

I would not want to be on common ground with most creationists. Was Khursheed 
arguing for a "Baha'i" approach to human origins, i.e., so-called "parallel 
evolution" (Baha'i creationism)?

Mark A. Foster * http://markfoster.net
"Sacred cows make the tastiest hamburger" 
-- Abbie Hoffman 

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