
At 05:45 PM 12/11/2004, you wrote:
>>Mainstream? God help us!<<

You don't think that Falwell, Robertson, and F. Graham represent the *new* 
mainsteam Protestantism? That concept has been discussed in the religious 
studies literature, including the sociology of religion, for quite some time, 
and it was given new ammunition by the results of the recent election. The 
fundamentalist and evangelical churches of the Bible Belt are one of the major 
reasons Bush was re-elected. 

The *old* mainstream Protestantism has been steadily losing members for years. 
One of the reasons the United Church of Christ has launched its "Still 
Speaking" campaign is that it has lost over 700,000 members in the last few 
years. Their experience is typical among the old mainstream churches.

Mark A. Foster *
"Sacred cows make the tastiest hamburger" 
-- Abbie Hoffman 

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