James Mock wrote:
>There is but one power which heals -- that is God. The state or condition 
>through which the healing takes place is the confidence of the heart. By 
>some this state is reached through pills, powders, and physicians. By others 
>through hygiene, fasting, and prayer. By others through direct perception."
>       (Abdu'l-Baha, Abdu'l-Baha in London, p. 95)
>Would "modern science" agree with this assertion?

If I put on my scientist hat, I would say that science has nothing to say about 
the quote above, because the quote is talking about spiritual matters, not 
scientific ones. As a scientist, one can certainly not state that the mind has 
no influence on the body, there is plenty of scientific evidence showing the 
powerful influence the mind has on the body. As to "God", though, I do not 
think science can comment one way or the other.

Of course, there are doctrinaire 'scientists' who would reject any mention of 
'God' out of hand. But they do not speak for science, only for themselves. I 
would call such people "fundamentalists in the religion of science". But we 
should avoid being like them, and accept that science is a very important path 
to truth, and religious writings are not science.

There simply is no proof when it comes to ultimate questions like "God" and 
religion and the ultimate purpose of life and the universe. We each must 
investigate for ourselves. But how do we decide whether to accept a certain 
Prophet's vision? I think that Baha'u'llah addresses this question in the Book 
of Certitude and He shows that we must use logic and reason. If a Prophet says 
the universe was creating by constipated ducks, I personally would not buy into 
that Prophet's religion. If a Prophet says that science is a bunch of nonsense 
and that we should abandon the scientific method, I wouldn't buy into that 
Prophet's vision either.

The dilemmna I face is this. I have bought into the vision of a glorious 
Prophet Who asks that we accept His Revelation *because* it is in accord with 
reason, logic and science, as well as the eternal spiritual principles espoused 
by all the previous true Prophets; only to later discover that many if not most 
of His adherents don't buy into His fundamental acknowledgement of science, 
reason and logic at all, and may even consider such a belief in reason and 
science to be bordering on heresy.

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