On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 21:45:22 -0800, Patti Goebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gilberto:
> >
> > Just a few issues around the question of Biblical corruption:
> >
> >
> > [2.79] Woe, then, to those who write the
> > > book with their hands and
> > then say: This is from Allah, so that they may
> > > take for it a small
> > price; therefore woe to them for what their hands have
> > > written and woe
> > to them for what they earn.
> > [end quote]
> Patti:
> One place you could look is in "Gems of Divine Mysteries"
> (http://reference.bahai.org/en/t/b/GDM/gdm-3.html) by Baha'u'llah.  It was
> originally written in Arabic, previously I steered you toward Seven Valleys,
> but I think perhaps you would prefer "Gems".  Here are a some passages from
> "Gems" regarding the issue of Biblical corruption.
> Paragraph 13:

Thank you Patti, I've actually seen this first passage before but I
think the other ones are new to me.

> "And should they reply: "The Books that are in the hands of this people,
> which they call the Gospel and attribute to Jesus, the Son of Mary, have not
> been revealed by God and proceed not from the Manifestations of His Self",
> then this would imply a cessation in the abounding grace of Him Who is the
> Source of all grace. If so, God's testimony to His servants would have
> remained incomplete and His favour proven imperfect. His mercy would not
> have shone resplendent, nor would His grace have overshadowed all. For if at
> the ascension of Jesus His Book had likewise ascended unto heaven, then how
> could God reprove and chastise the people on the Day of Resurrection, as
> hath been written by the Imáms of the Faith and affirmed by its illustrious
> divines? "

Thank you. I wouldn't say that the Gospel is absolutely vanished and
just gone. The core of the message is there. Just focus on the red
letters, the sermon on the mount, the spiritual teachings, the
understanding of the law.
I don't have a problem with the idea that the heart of the Gospel's
message is contained in the New Testament. But it is just mixed in
with other things too.

We would probably get a more inclusive impression if one looked at the
Apocryphal texts like Thomas or the Gospel of Peter or the Acts of
John. Especially If you look at all the ancient Christian texts as a
whole I'm confident that the Gospel is in there. Its just a matter of
sifting wheat from chaff.



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