On Sun, 2 Jan 2005 12:09:22 -0000, Khazeh Fananapazir

> I feel very sad as I leave this discussion that after all my missives my
> brother Gilberto has not read the article this servant co-wrote on the Seal
> of the Prophets...
> If he were to really read it without any preconception he would really come
> to a different understanding.

That's not actually true. I did read it for a while before coming to
the Bahai studies list, maybe by several months. Susan had pointed me
to it after the discussion had come up on soc.reglion.bahai. I
actually really liked it as an article. It wasn't just one sided and
did a decent job of presenting the back-and-forth of the various
arguments. Actually pointing to the hadith which say prophethood has
ended or the statement from Nahj-ul-Balagha to the same effect for
example. I especially liked the Perennialism stuff at the end. In
terms of Bahai persepctives, Cole's approach seemed the most
respectful and elegant. If I remember correctly, he points out that
the Bab and Bahaullah didn't refer to themselves as prophets and he
argues that one way to resolve the various claims is to actually agree
with Muslims and say that Muhammad really is the last prophet, and to
say that the Bab and Bahaullah were Manifestations of a different
kind, and not prophets.

But Bahais in general don't seem to be making that argument. And
especially given Cole's position in the Bahai community I wonder to
what extent he can really speak to what "the Bahai faith" teaches.  It
seems the typical Bahai would rather insist that Muslims are just
wrong, and veiled, and confused, and that Muhammad really isn't the
last prophet. And that attitude seems more representative of Bahais.
Especially since the writings actually do insist on calling them prophets.

I've indirectly asked for clarification about the above point and it
seems like the Bahai position isn't really clear.

If Muhammad is the last manifestation of the cycle of prophecy that
would neatly fit into Cole's argument but that is not what Bahais are
uniformly saying. Some days it seems like they'll say Muhammad is the
last. Other times they'll say that the Bab is the last. And the matter
seems too inconclusive to accept Cole's argument as representative.



"My people are hydroponic"

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