On Sun, 2 Jan 2005 21:15:25 -0600, Don Calkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 9:43 PM -0500 1/2/05, Gilberto Simpson wrote:

> >But then once you say that religions are "progressive" then you end up
> >ranking the religions according to how old they are and you can't help
> >but insult the religions which came before.

> Most of their adherents probably feel that way.  But then so do many when
> told that a college degree is preferable to a high school diploma.

Fair enough, but if we want to get down to brass tacks, and think
about how to best describe the relation between the religions with
educational levels, it makes ALOT more sense for the direction to be
reversed. The Bahai faith is a young faith, with fewer members, and in
terms of creative or intellectual output it hasn't shown very much on
a civilizational scale. Islam, the "youngest" of the world religions
is over a thousand years older. More than 1000 years of philosophers,
saints, mystics, and martyrs. More than 1000 years of architects,
caligraphers poets and musicians. More than 1000 years of 
storytellers. More than a 1000 years of rich civilization and culture.
To be honest, I really don't like triumphalist language. I really
don't But if you insist on comparing religions to individuals of
varying educational achievements, the Bahai faith is the new kid on
the block. Like the adolescent who thinks they know everything and
doesn't realize yet how wise their parents are.



"My people are hydroponic"

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