Dear Gilberto in


I wrote with great love, humility and in a spirit of dialogue

Gilberto Simpson

Point 3]

And in the Quran it says:


We did not leave anything out of this Book, then all will be gathered before their Lord [for judgement]. (6:38)


[khazeh kindly]. We did not leave anything out. Yes certainly dear brother.

But using the same logic, the exact syllogism, the Jews said that the Holy Qur’an affirms most strongly that their Book [the Old Testament/the Tenakh/the Torah] had EVERYTHING COMPLETELY _ NOTHING WAS LEFT OUT OF THE TORAH. Therefore a fortiori [as they say in logic] people should stay with the Torah because the Qur’an affirms it was all there before.


YUSUFALI: Moreover, We gave Moses the Book, completing (Our favour) to those who would do right, AND EXPLAINING ALL THINGS IN DETAIL,- and a guide and a mercy, that they might believe in the meeting with their Lord.

PICKTHAL: Again, We gave the Scripture unto Moses, COMPLETE for him who would do good, AN EXPLANATION OF ALL THINGS, A GUIDANCE AND A MERCY, that they might believe in the meeting with their Lord.

SHAKIR: Again, WE GAVE THE BOOK TO MUSA TO COMPLETE (OUR BLESSINGS) ON HIM WHO WOULD DO GOOD (TO OTHERS), and making plain all things and a guidance and a mercy, so that they should believe in the meeting of their Lord.


154. Thumma atayna Moosa alkitaba tamaman AAala allathee ahsana watafseelan likulli shay-in wahudan warahmatan So the Text of the Qur’an says the Book of Moses was TAMAAM  complete [nothing left out]. It repeats again in the same verse : The Book of Moses was TAFSEELAN LIKULLI SHA’IN = AN EXPLANATION OF ALL THINGS  So this servant would say by this logic of quoting 6:38 they would go on to say look: we have priority and Our Book is complete. and so on… Remember dearest I am not arguing. I am just offering what I think are true insights …


AND you dear Gilberto wrote:


One issue which should be raised however, is that the Torah was a
revelation given to Moses. But if you actually study the history of
the text and modern Biblical scholarship, virtually no Biblical
scholar actually believes that the current first five books of the
Bible (the Pentateuch) was entirely written by Moses (as). The most
widely accepted understanding is something called the documentary
hypothesis. Where scholars have traced the contributions of 4
different authors and styles in the book. And there are indications
that these 4 source materials weren't combined until several centuries
after Moses.
So I'm sure that at least part of the original Torah of Moses is
contained in the Pentateuch BUT I DON'T THINK THAT THE PENTETEUCH IS



The Torah question is getting a bit advanced at this stage and so I ask two of my beloved friends who have come to the Bahai Faith from a Christian background and who have doctorates and great experience to help us on these matters. Both Michael and Daniel have also studied the Book of Certitude in great depth.


If it is their wish and happiness they will help us. I have blind copied this request to them.

This list is open and both of these scholars have great wisdom and ability. I have also cc’d this to Gary another friend who has studied the Bible.



Humbly khazeh

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