Anybody can set up a study circle. We can always refer back to the UHJ letters to bakc that up.
To  be a recognised ruhi facillitator, one has to do book 7 and in some countries, Ireland for example, this one cannot do before one has done book 1,2,3,4,6.
but to set up any study circle one which does not use ruhi one has not to be recognised by anybody, cause the UHJ never said that in any letter.
An ABM and a counsellor are people, and have no legislative authority. If they do not want to listen to a valid point you make, I suggest writing to the NSA and the UHJ about it. The more the UHJ gets to know, the better informed it is. So if Ruhi is not working in the USA, and counsellors go around telling things which are not based in truth, like that Ruhi demand came from the grassroots, then the UHJ should get to be informed about this.
In Europe it is VERY clear that we do Ruhi because the ITC recommends the method, (some people though think it is the UHJ, something I try to rectify whenever I can) and not because some unnamed lsa's in that respective country have requested to adopt this method.
If you feel totally uncomfortable with Ruhi and have an idea to either adapt Ruhi (a counsellor in Russia did not see a problem with that, and I think that if you take the quotes from for example book 1, but change a whole lot of things copyright is not valid anymore, because it has become something new) or to do something completely different in a study circle, you can always start a study circle which is based on your own material. We should not be afraid to take initiative. There is plenty of room for personal initiative in this cause. A lot of us (somehow I do not think you are one of them Susan) are however waiting until the lsa or nsa suggests something or until other bahais are doing it. We make suggestions at feast, fully expecting others to carry them out instead of taking some responsibility for it ourselves. After all, we spotted it, so we probably have the capacity to carry it out as well, so why not be willing to offer our services towards the realisation o! f our suggestion?
You may be right that you might not be considered qualified to give childrens classes if you have not done book 3. And that is a perfectly legitimate decision of any LSA to make. Unfortunately for someone who does not like ruhi or the lesson plans in book 3 which are by the way geared towards 4-5 year olds... so for older or younger children new lesson plans have to be made anyway!
Book 3 though is great fun: you can be a child again!!!! Legitimately. YOu can even behave like a disruptive child (I greatly enjoyed that part). 
much love,
janine van rooij

Susan Maneck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

"I have always believed the books can be adapted."

Dear Janine,

This seems to be the position of Dr. Arbab himself, from what I've heard.
But when I've suggested it in the states, I got two responses. One was that
the material was copyrighted and therefore couldn't be changed. The other
response (from an ABM) was that the House thought it was fine as is. (She
didn't go as far as to suggest we couldn't disagree with it, however.) When
I pointed out that the House stated it wasn't their policy to endorse a
particular curriculum, she said it came from the World Centre and I was
picking at straws.

"And also, nothing I feel prevents you from
setting up your own study circle. I don't think your
LSA would forbid you to set up a study circle."

I don't know how it works in Thailand, but in the US tutors and study
circles ha! ve to be approved by the Institutes before they 'count' for the
purpose of fulfilling goals or certifying that a person has completed a

warmest, Susan

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