"It has not yet reached that level here in Ireland, as
far as I am aware. What things is one not eligible for
in the USA atthe moment if one has not done a certain
ruhi book?"

Dear Janine,

I only know of two things that Ruhi was made a requirement for. One was was
homefront pioneering and the other one was for a curriculum position at one
of the permanent summer schools. The latter doesn't make sense because all
along the institutions have been saying that institutes aren't summer
schools. Therefore summer schools shouldn't be institutes. But I've seen our
NSA discourage institutes from making certain books required for veteran
believers before they can serve.

It has mostly been in communities overseas that I've heard of Ruhi being
made a prerequisite for teaching children's classes or participating in
teaching campaigns. I know of some local communities in the UK that have
done this, for instance.

warmest, Susan

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