I found a very interesting document which may have some bearing on this issue. It is a letter from Frau Grossman in regards to Dr. Fallsheer's pilgrim's notes. She is the same doctor who is the source of that pilgrim note mentioned earlier where Abdu'l-Baha referred to Shoghi Effendi as His "Elisha."
"The Master says: "... There is a general and unwritten law in effect throughout Asia whereby the direct male descendent of a Prophet, or of a Saint, or of a Martyr, has the first claim to the office of custodian, that is, to the caretaking or trusteeship of such a Shrine. Upon My departure to the land of transcendental reality (Malakut-i- A'la) My eldest grandson should get first consideration as custodian and keeper of the Holy shrines. It is conceivable that My half- brother and adversary (Muhammad-'Ali) would make such claims. However, the decision in this case could not be made in a last will and testament but by the national governmental authority in power at the time, in this case the Turks, or God only knows whoever the successors of the Turks will be some day! I feel calm and secure that no national government would disregard an ancient and sacred custom. Verily, as long as there will be a direct or indirect male descendent of the Blessed Perfection Baha'u'llah the two Shrines and some day my own will be in the best of hands..."

"However, should the Lord some day allow the blessed line of our descendents to be broken, the International House of Justice, together with the Local House, will appoint a suitable guardian, caretaker, custodian or administrator, for the three places of pilgrimage, and the roses of Shiraz and the lilies of Tehran will forever bloom and exhale their fragrance in commemoration of the Forerunner, the Fulfiller, and the Promulgator of the Baha'i Teachings, as living tokens of the beauty and glory of God. Allah'u'Abha."


Apparently  Frau Grossman took this to mean the House could appoint future Guardians, though it doesn't point to anyone possessing that kind of authority. Still, it relates rather closely to the passage from the Aqdas I mentioned earlier.

warmest, Susan

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