
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Scott Saylors
Sent: 13 January 2007 16:50
To: Baha'i Studies
Subject: Provenance of an Hadith


The Hadith attributed to the Imam Ali: I am two years younger than my


I can find some reference to it at

but would like proper provenance if available.


Thanks in advance,



 The Hadith is quoted:

In number One

In the Bih.aarul-Anwaar [=Oceans of Lights] by Mulla Muh.ammad Baaqir
al-Majlisi in his 38th Volume




after quoting the Hadith [ana as.gharu min Rabbee be-sanatyan] the author
wonders if this is a reference to the passing away of the Imam ‘Ali two
years younger than Muh.ammad His Master.

والحق أنه قبض عليه السلام بعد ما دخل في السنة الرابعة والستين كما ان النبى
صلوات الله عليه قبض وقد دخل في السنة السادسة والستين ولذلك يقول عن نفسه عليه
السلام ( أنا أصغر من ربى بسنتين ) يعنى عن استاذه ومعلمه محمد صلوات الله عليه


It is quoted again 



In Sayyid H.aydar al-Amuli’s *Nas.s.sun-Nus.suus.* = ana aqallu min Rabbee
be-Sanatayn  *I am younger than my Lord by two years* also in the same text
there is this: laysa baynee wa bayna Rabbee farqun [= There is no difference
between Me and My Lord], illaa innee taqaddamtu bil-‘ubuudiyyat [= except
that I have priority in servitude]


Sayyid H.aydar al-Amuli exponent of Ibn ‘Arabi died 787 AH/1385 AD [In fact
in his major work, the Jami' al-asrar (Compendium of Divine Mysteries),
Amuli's main intention is to show that real Sufism and Shi'ism are the
same.[ <http://www.balagh.net/english/shia/shia/01.htm#020#020>  See H.
Corbin's introduction to Sayyid Haydar Amuli, La Philosophie Shi'ite,
Tehran-Paris, 1969.]


السيّد حيدر ا لآملي‌ّ في‌ مقدّمات‌ كتاب‌ «نصّ النصوص‌» ص‌ 10 : بالشكل‌
التالي‌ : كقولهم‌ : أنَا أَقَلُّ مِنْ رَبِّي‌ بِسَنَتَيْنِ ، وقولهم‌ : لَيسَ
بَيْنِي‌ وَبَيْنَ رَبِّي‌ فَرْقٌ إلاَّ أَ نِّي‌ تَقَدَّمْتُ بِالعُبُودِيَّةِ



and again






The Bab, whose name was Ali-Muhammad, was born in Shiraz, on the first of
Muharram, in the year 1235 A.H. He was the descendant of a house renowned
for its nobility, which traced its origin to Muhammad Himself. His father,
Siyyid Muhammad-Rida, as well as His mother, were descendants of the
Prophet, and belonged to families of recognised standing. The date of His
birth confirmed the truth of the saying attributed to the Imam Ali, the
Commander of the Faithful: "I am two years younger than my Lord." The
mystery of this utterance, however, remained unrevealed except to those who
sought and recognised the truth of the new Revelation. It was He, the Bab,
who, in His first, His most weighty and exalted Book, revealed this passage
concerning Baha'u'llah: "O Thou Remnant of God! I have sacrificed Myself
wholly for Thee; I have consented to be cursed for Thy sake; and have
yearned for naught but martyrdom in the path of Thy love. Sufficient witness
unto Me is God, the Exalted, the Protector, the Ancient of Days!"


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