Dear Hasan, 

You mean genies or jinn, not genius. :-}

Besides the quote from the letter written on behalf of the Guardian 
which you cited, I can add a little more which I think I got from 
Khazeh at one point or another.  According to the Qur'an the Jinn are 
made from fire, unlike humanity which was made from clay. It was for 
this reason that Shaytan (Satan) one of the Jinn refused to bow down 
and worship Adam which God commanded him, saying arrogantly that he 
was of pure fire whereas Adam was made of clay. It was this sin which 
caused Satan's fall. 

The Baha'i Writings consistently use the term 'jinn' in a symbolic 
manner and reject the notion of ghosts, goblins and things that go 
bump in the night as the quote you cited indicated. In the  Amr va 
Khalq, vol. 2,  pp 161-164 'Abdu'l-Baha suggests that while the  jinn 
might signify  be people who are created with the fire of the love of 
God, etc.  it can  also refer to people who reject God's Manifestation 
(hence Adam)   because of their haughtiness and arrogance. But there 
is another passage, where He suggests that jinn are those persons 
whose belief or denial is hidden and unknown.   

warmest, Susan 

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