The Baha'i Studies Listserv
The more I learn about religious governments and the oppression they impose
upon people, the more I am becoming a secularist who also believes in God.
The two positions might seem contradictory, but not to me at this time.
That's not to say that secular governments can not be oppressive, however.

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 3:55 PM, firestorm <> wrote:

> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> gilberto
>  :-)
>  i offer that the House is the Authorised elucidator and coo of behaviours
> of the corporate body that has accepted that the ground has been transferred
> to the Rightful Owner by Covenant and Contract with the Owner's Agent,
> Baha'u'llah, and that the Agent in Writing left the House as local agent.
>  that the House is "warranted" in Writing to be such agent; unlike,
> frinstance, the Church, holy, catholic and apostolic, which claims such
> authority "unwarranted".
> i mostly return to ur initial post and note
> :"there is some wisdom" is incorrectly approximated. there is a >>>lot<<<
> of wisdom :"in thinking about the
> issue in a different sort of way".
>  susan offers an approach: "competing claims to authority."
>  i offer the view that such competition >>within proper bounds<< is
> healthy; but that the reality in the instance you so kindly brought forth is
> boundary violation.
>  the House does not claim to be able to tell the iranian government whether
> a Baha'i or sufi shrine deserves better roads, night lights, or a nearby
> kfc. the iranian govt's positoon appears to be that lawful conduct motivated
> by "ground of the heart" is impermissible on earth controlled by the
> mullahs.
>  the issue then is by what warrant do the mullahs lay claim to authority
> over "ground"?
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