The Baha'i Studies Listserv
An Hadith has it that Muhammad was asked a similar question. After answering it, He gently admonished his hearers, saying that they must ask Him about virtue, not about sin.


Stephen Gray wrote:
The Baha'i Studies Listserv

Krishna said "Anger, Greed, and Lust" are the Three Gateways to Hell.
Buddha said "Desire, Malice, Sloth, Worry, and Doubt" are the Five Hindrances. "Selfishness, Doubt, Ritualism, Desire, Malice, Materialism, Immaterialism, Pride, Restlessness and Ignorance" are the Ten Fetters. Another list has him saying that "Desire, Malice, Pride, Views, Doubt, Ritualism, Materialism, Jealousy, Greed, and Ignorance" are the Ten Fetters. He also said that "Greed, Malice, Delusion, Conceit, Views, Doubt, Sloth, Worry, Shamlessness, and Recklessness" are the Ten Defilements/Afflictions/Poisons. Evagrius Ponticus listed Eight Impure Thoughts of "Gluttony, Lust, Avarice, Sadness, Anger, Accedia, Vainglory, and Pride". This original list was for monastics only but later its uses was extended to laity as well. Cassian listed the Eight Principal Faults of Gluttony, Lust, Avarice, Anger, Sadness, Accedia, Vainglory, and Pride". Pope Gregory I listed the Seven Deadly Sins of "Lust, Gluttony, Sadness, Avarice, Anger, Envy, and Pride". Thomas Aquinas listed Eight Capital Vices of "Lust, Glutony, Covetousness, Sloth, Anger, Envy, Vainglory, and Pride". The Roman Catholic Church Cathecism list the Seven Capital Sins of "Sloth, Gluttony, Lust, Wrath, Envy, Avarice, and Pride". This one is what people refer to when they say Seven Deadly Sins usually despite the fact the Pope Gregory I list (Seven Deadly Sins) and the Roman Catholic Church Cathecism list (Seven Capital Sins) are different (Sadness vs. Sloth). PITscan lists the Eight Impure Thoughts of "Gluttony, Lust, Greed, Sadness, Anger, Accedia, Vainglory, and Pride" So we have from Evagius to PITScan a list of "Gluttony, Lust, Avarice, Covetousness, Greed, Sadness, Anger, Wrath, Envy, Accedia, Sloth, Vainglory, and Pride" Also for language bonus (greek/latin) Gluttony is ( Gastomargia / Gula ) Lust is ( Porniea / Luxuria ) Avarice, Covetousness, and Greed are ( Philargyria / Avaritia ) Sadness is ( Lype / Tristitia ) Anger and Wrath are ( Orge / Ira ) Envy is ( ? / Invidia ) Accedia ( Akedia / Accidia ) Vainglory is ( Kenodoxia / Inania Gloria ) Pride is ( Hyperphania / Superbia) So what list does the Baha'i Faith have of negative personality traits for people to abandon and guard against and how to do so also? Also, anyone read Greek (Classical or Koine) or Latin (Classical or Ecclesiastical or Contemporary)? So how does one live a life free from sin, vice, fault, and impurity of thoguht?

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Mike and Dede Moum
Des Moines, Iowa
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