The Baha'i Studies Listserv
At first glance it looks like a case of misattribution.  By whom is hard to 
say.  The only "Baha'i" source I see on the google for it is in a blog by an 
unknown person in Idaho.

He or she says that `Ali Nakhjavani attributed it to `Abdu'l-Baha at a meeting 
sometime in 2007, but no source is given:

   "...`Abdu’l-Bahá once said to following. (Paraphrased) “If you are asleep, 
wake up. If you are awake sit up. If you are sitting, stand. If you are 
standing, walk. If you are walking, march, and if you are marching, run!” (‘Alí 
yelled that last bit at the meeting.)..."

Another Web site:

   attributes this as being from Letters to Atticus by Marcus Tullius Cicero 
2.23 (XLIX) in 59 BC.

Yet another site says the same thing:

   "...Wherefore, loving me as much as I know you do, if you are asleep, wake 
up; if you are standing, start walking; if you are walking, set off running; if 
you are running, take wings and fly..."

It looks like more than a coincidence.

John B.

-----Original Message-----
>From: Larry Marquardt <>
>Sent: Jul 26, 2010 12:06 PM
>To: Baha'i Studies <>
>Subject: "If you are sleep, wake up; if you are awake, sit up; it you are 
>sitting, stand up; .....
>Dear Friends,
>I cannot find the source for this quote attributed to 'Abdu'l-Baha:
>"If you are sleep, wake up; if you are awake, sit up; it you are sitting, 
>stand up; if you are standing, walk; if you are walking, run."
>I checked the Baha'i Academic Library, Ocean and Google. Does anyone know 
>where this quote came from? 
>Thank you,

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